Rosa Cooking

Wild asparagus with spalette on a bed of polenta a la Zlatan

Yesterday was my first working day after a break of 5 days, which is the hardest for me, and since my husband and I were touring / landing in the Rovinj region for the May Day holiday, there were no leftovers from Sunday lunch. Climbing the stairs to the apartment, I already smelled the wonderful smell of spalette after the 1st floor, when there, on our table, everything is green with asparagus, red with spalette and yellow with polenta, so then, let the recipe be named: .... .a la Zlatan, by the chef.

Preparation steps

  • Polenta
  • Put water, salt and oil in the pot. When the water boils, gradually add flour and mix constantly with polenta. Cook, stirring (tip: put on kitchen gloves and pull the sleeves up to the gloves because the polenta is splashing) until the polenta starts to come off the polenta and the pot (approx. 30 minutes).
  • Asparagus and spalette topping
  • Tear off the (fresh) tops with asparagus and cook for about 3-4 minutes. Drain.
  • Cut the spalette into 2 x 2 cm cubes (if it has already been cut into slices, chop it into strips), and the bacon slightly smaller. Wash and dry the onion and cut the white part and a couple of green rings into rings.
  • Fry the onion rings first in olive oil and butter, then add and fry the meat very briefly just to get the color, pour over the sweet cream and pepper. Check the salinity and add salt if necessary (to taste). Be careful because polenta is not unsalted either. Now add the strained asparagus tops. Heat gently until the topping is hot.


Place the polenta on plates and pour over it richly with this fragrant topping. Serve with a salad of young green chicory.


breakfast ham polenta

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