Rosa Cooking

White (Puslica) cake

I know there are a lot of recipes for puslica cake, but here are my versions, ie my grandmother's version ...

Preparation steps

  • Preparation of the crust: Whisk solid snow of 5 egg whites. Gradually add 200 g of sugar, vanilla sugar and vinegar, stirring constantly. it does not dry out and does not acquire a golden color. It is necessary to bake two such crusts.
  • Preparation of the filling: Boil the pudding in 3dcl of milk, and leave it to cool completely. In the remaining 3dcl of milk, add (previously well whipped) 10 egg yolks with 250 g of sugar, mix everything together and put the filling to cook (I cook all the fillings on steam because it tastes better, but not necessarily). Mix the filling all the time during cooking , and only when it thickens nicely, remove it from the hob and leave it to cool well. Whisk the margarine into a large bowl, add the well-chilled pudding, then the egg yolk filling and ground walnuts.
  • Fill the cooled crusts in the following order: crust-fil-crust-fil-whipped cream.


It is obligatory for the crusts to dry well in order to be crispy, because it is called puslica torta because of them.