# vegetables

4U salad
Here's how to overcome the summer heat, salads. The simplest, yet refreshing.

Either in a wok or in a deeper pan, gently soften as many vegetables and a little meat as possible. Serve colorful and put some of everything on a plate. The plate is full and the stomach is too satisfied.

A breath of the sea on the mountain table
Summer has arrived in full glory and the smell of the sea seems to extend to Prigorje. In addition to the sun in our garden, chard and beans remind us of that beautiful sea, and when shark steaks are found in the shopping basket, here are ideas on how to serve a breath on the Prigorje table and write a modest retirement recipe. Who knows, maybe someone will find it good as an idea …….

Absolute beans
Sometimes you can find well-known old recipes here, but they will also serve someone, maybe just as a reminder. And the recipe for abshmalcane beans, which Umag-0280 mentioned in one of her comments, is one of such old recipes. It’s actually an old name for beans with breadcrumbs or bread crumbs. I also like to cook beans in this way, as a tasty side dish to various types of meat, so if you haven't done that yet, try ………

Absolutely healthy pizza :)
Well, what can I tell you, except - I felt like this! and I wasn't wrong..although it contains only healthy ingredients, it tastes great and your conscience won't bite if you completely surrender to it :)

A combination of desires
Milina from the oven :)

A combination of potatoes, cauliflower and fresh cabbage
... delicious… with the addition of bacon

A complex of carrots, cauliflower and potatoes
This recipe is actually from a book with diet recipes, it is very light and ideal as a separate meal, and can of course also be a side dish to meat!

A complex of millet and vegetables
I just adore millet. Knowing how healthy and mineral-rich the food is, I could eat it every day.

A complex of pumpkin, potatoes and feta cheese
... a dish served on its own with a green salad or as a side dish with meat dishes, equally delights all those who have the opportunity to enjoy it :)

A complex of rice and balanca, in the Sicilian way
Nowhere are there so many recipes with eggplants, and even in incredibly successful, they say, almost love affairs, with tomatoes, as in the cuisines of the Mediterranean. From Greek and Turkish moussaka, to various varieties of parmigiana - each dish of this special vegetable is good in its own way. I suggest you a very rustic recipe that can also be found in the name of Palermo risotto - it is meant as a dish that can be worn on the beach. Namely, it’s great and cold; it can be an appetizer, for vegetarians it is an excellent main dish, and it can also be used as a great barbecue side dish for large picnics and excursions.

A complex of young potatoes and onions
Simple, fast and tasty dish This spring compound is perfect for lunch, it can also be used as a main dish and an excellent side dish to breaded or roasted meat.

A compound for caveman Nick
Here's a quick vegetable, baked in the oven. A couple of tomatoes, a couple of zucchini, some cheese and cream. You put it in the oven for half an hour and wait for the result. When onooo… It couldn't be easier! We beat this as a standalone dish. Serve with some salad and see! ;)

A compound from Kale in My Way
In the reflection of the fragrant breath of autumn, use this delicious dish from "Mr. Kale" or as our cool-Lilly ‘cabbage whisperer’ called it, which I placed 'at her request in my recipe corner ..

A compound of beans and bread!
..this complex I am making this way for the first time with beans and old bread… ..I am so delighted… juicy and delicious ukus .try it! ..

A compound with broccoli and turkey dumplings
one low calorie recipe ......