Rosa Cooking

Vegetables from the oven with roasted turkey neck

Vegetables, thanks to their high content of vitamins, minerals, cellulose, and low fat content, play an invaluable role in the diet. The amount of vitamins and minerals varies from species to species, as does the climate in which vegetables thrive. They owe their taste to the content of essential oils. Fresh vegetables contain approximately 2 to 5% (by weight) protein, from 022 to 1% vegetable fats and from 2 to 9% carbohydrates (of which 0.2 to 3% cellulose). Vegetables have 65 to 95% water (potatoes and legumes deviate from these percentages). It has up to 2% of minerals (the most iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium), and of the vitamins it has the most vitamin C, and the least vitamin B-complex and higher amounts of pro-vitamin A 8 carotene). Vegetables contain larger and smaller amounts of various organic acids (malic, citric, succinic), enzymes (amylase), and garlic and horseradish phytoncides (Phytoncides are plant ingredients that destroy many microorganisms or st

Preparation steps

  • All cut into smaller pieces. Put the ingredients at the same time (except for the turkey neck, bake it in a separate bowl) in a bowl, salt, pepper and season with a few tablespoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of sweet ground red pepper. Mix everything well and bake at 180-200 degrees for about an hour.
  • Put the turkey neck in a bowl, add salt, pepper, pepper, add a little water. When the meat is soft, let the water evaporate and the meat is slightly browned.
  • Mixed celery and carrot salad seasoned with olive oil, sea salt and lemon juice


I served it with a mixed salad of carrots and celery, and you can with any other ...



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