Rosa Cooking

Veal bamla

Bamlja or okra

Preparation steps

  • Leave the okra to stand for 30 minutes in water, then pour 1/2 liter of water with 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar and a little salt into the bowl, then put the okra to cook for about 30-45 minutes (depending on the age of the okra). When the okra is cooked, it should be washed in cold water to clear it of mucus, then drained.
  • Saute the red onion, then add the grated carrots, then add the veal and fry covered over medium heat, adding water as needed.
  • When the meat is completely soft, add the pellets and tomato sauce, then for 5 minutes and spices, the carrots on the rolls and stir, then add the okra.
  • Add more water to pour over the okra and let it cook until the meat and carrots are cooked. It should not be mixed so that the bamboo does not fall apart.
  • When 1/2 of the liquid is reduced, remove the okra from the heat and stir. If necessary, add a little more vinegar at the end of cooking.