Rosa Cooking

Tuna spread with okara

Do you think this is just another tuna spread? No, this is a brand new tuna spread! Generous, very tasty, and so light.

Preparation steps

  • Drain and chop the canned tuna well. It would be good to use tuna in brine (water), but the one in oil will be good too.
  • Mix tuna with fresh okara, add crushed soft tofu, soy milk and sauce, finely chopped garlic, ginger, and season with a little salt and pepper.
  • Mix the mass well with a stick mixer or in a multipractice until you get a thicker creamy paste.
  • Shake the resulting paste in a clean container, cover and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour to squeeze and cool slightly.


Toast slices of bread in a toaster, spread warm with tuna and okara spread, sprinkle with chopped chives, and serve with a salad snack if desired.


macrobiotics okara party soy spreads tofu tuna

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