Rosa Cooking


We can call it a million ways, but what is nije .not moussaka, no toppings, no lasagna, no pasta… some kind of vegetable compound, it's too simple… .let remain Tumbet ... a traditional dish from Mallorca, Spain. It has beautiful colors and flavors, fine and light with our very well-known flavors, wonderful as a standalone dish, and can also be used as a side dish….

Preparation steps

  • First put the sauce to cook.
  • Add onion and finely chopped garlic to olive oil and cook on low heat for 5-6 minutes to soften. Add tomatoes and thyme and let it cook for about 20 minutes. Season the sauce to taste.
  • Place the oven at 180 * to heat.
  • Meanwhile, in another bowl over low heat put the potatoes to fry but without getting the color.Do this in a few rounds.Take it out of the oil on paper towels to drain and lightly salt.
  • Increase the heat and add the balances, which were previously salted due to bitterness, then washed with water and dried, then fry them until golden yellow. If necessary, add olive oil. Put them, like potatoes, on paper.
  • Fry the peppers in the same pan, and leave them on the paper to squeeze a little.
  • Arrange a row of potatoes on the bottom of the bowl, then a row of balancans and then peppers. Lightly salt and pepper, then put tomato sauce on top.
  • Bake gently for about 20 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve warm as a stand-alone dish or as a side dish.
  • If served cold, serve with allioli.


The recipe is from the book "cooking spanish" by Murdoch books.


branka eggplant fasting pepper slozenac slozenci to try out vegetables

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