Tulumbice - moje drage :))
the recipe is from my cool-before melyze, I thank her a lot because I was one of those who had a horror to make parties, they always live inside .... now ..... now this is my treat no. 1 in the house !!! ma za cas gotove i soccccne ma netreba ti pitat :))))
Preparation steps
- First of all, let me tell you: It is not difficult to make parties at all, just follow the instructions :)))
- Put water, milk, sugar and oil in a bowl to boil. When it boils, sprinkle the flour with the baking powder and mix with a food processor until the dough starts to separate from the bottom. Remove the pan from the heat. Allow to cool slightly. Meanwhile, put water and sugar to boil. Cook until slightly thickened, t. j. that it does not drip from the spoon, but flows in a stream.
- Gradually add one egg at a time, mix well with a mixer, continue until you use up the eggs, the dough will be finely smooth, neither too thick nor too thick.
- Heat the good oil. Fill the party syringe with the dough. Reduce the oil to 2/3 temp. (Eg from 9 to 6).
- Lightly squeeze the tubules of the length you want, cut with a knife and dip in hot oil. No more than 7-9 pieces should swim in the sickle. so that they can only rotate during frying.
- As the parties turn on their own, they get a nice yellow color, take them out on a baking sheet. After frying the parties, pour hot agdom over them. Occasionally turn them a little to absorb on each side.
- Tulumbe will soak up the bay nicely, be soft and very juicy!
Serve the best set of tevsi, there is no growth to take out on a plate :)))