Tricolor wafer roll
My favorite cake and I thank you for these beautiful 2 years I spent in nice company with all of you.
Preparation steps
- Before applying each cream, place the wafer sheet on a damp cloth, cover with another damp cloth and leave it to soften so that it can be rolled up. Be careful not to get too wet, as the cream will also loosen a bit. DO NOT put all 3 wafer sheets on wet at the same time. Be sure to do it one by one. While it is covered with a damp cloth, try to soften it every hour (try to roll it with one curry) so that it does not get wet. Then it is difficult to fill, the most difficult will be cutting the finished roll because it will be gooey.
- 1. CREAM: boil sugar and water (spin) until it thickens. Add chocolate and stir to melt. Spread the wafer sheet and roll it tightly.
- 2. CREAM: mix egg yolks and sugar, combine with mixed margarine. Spread another sheet of wafer, put the 1st rolled wafer along the edge and roll everything together.
- 3. CREAM: make snow, add sugar and a little lemon juice and cook on steam, stirring constantly for about 10-15 minutes. Cool and combine with the prepared margarine. Add coconut to thicken. Spread the 3rd wafer, put the already rolled roll and everything roll together tightly.
- Leave, preferably overnight, to firm up well. Cut the next day. It takes a while to make, but it pays off.
- Here was also a fake, ie my recipe was stolen and put on who knows whose blog!