Tortilla Mlinci
The name says it all, they can be tortillas, and bome are perfect as grinders! :))) And they are great as a snack with some sauce, hot or mild salsa! :))
Preparation steps
- Add baking powder, melted butter with water and vegeta, salt and turmeric to the flour! Knead the dough and let it stand for one hour at room temperature!
- After that time, roll the tortilla grinders thinly on a lightly floured surface to the size of the Teflon pan in which you will bake them!
- Bake the tortilla grinders on each side until those black dots start to appear for about 1-2 minutes on each side!
- When they are done, put them in a kitchen towel, if you are not going to use them right away, just wrap them in that cloth and store them where you normally store such things! :)))
As I said at the beginning, you can fill this like tortillas, and you can tear them finely, toss them with some fine soup stock that you salt well (maybe from a cube;))) and roll them in fat from any roast (chicken, pork, veal) or turkey)!