Every family has its own special dishes, so my dad brought Titkuš to our house from Bosnia. I have yet to come across anyone who knows what this is all about, and although there are 2 recipes under the same name here, neither is the other. In our country, my dad did it, and now I make my husband and his people to meet the emperors of the poor Bosnian cuisine. = D
Preparation steps
- Knead a thick dough, a little thicker than the one for the biscuit.
- Pour the dough into an oiled pan. It should not be too thick, 5-10mm. Put the oven
- It needs to be browned a little, it probably won't from above because there is nothing in the dough or fat that would get color.
- When it cools down a bit, so that you can touch it with your hands without getting burned, tear it to pieces like this.
- If you want to add crushed garlic, I can't eat it, so I don't put it on, although it goes by the "rule". Drizzle with yogurt, stir, and that’s it! =) Leave to stand for a while, let the dough relax, then serve.
TIP: do not use a Teflon pan, the dough has separated and shrunk, it would have been better if it had turned yellow sooner if it had been plain. , so you work educatively. You can’t go wrong if you know to some extent what you’re doing, and I believe most of you know. =) Although it is really poor and scarce, so far it has only come for approval.