Tincture and wine of bear onion
This is a very medicinal plant, especially for people with blood pressure problems. Many people could stabilize the pressure for a while (two to three months) and rest the liver from medication with the spring cure of bear onion (cherry, sremus, wild onion, forest onion Allium ursinum). and in addition reduce the value of total cholesterol.
Preparation steps
- WINE: Chop 20-30 dag of bear onion and put it in 1l of white wine, add a little honey and let it stand for 24 hours in a warm place. This is an excellent remedy for these diseases, and is drunk after a few days in sips at as regular intervals as possible during the day.
- LEAF TINCTURE: Fill a bottle with finely chopped bear onions and pour 40% plum or grapefruit and leave in the sun for at least 3 weeks. It is a cure for these diseases (see below in the description). We take it 3 times a week in 20 drops, which we add to a little tea water or warm soup.
- BULB TINCTURE: As this medicinal plant is not available all year round but only in early spring, it is good to make its tincture: Bulbs approx. 30 dag should be well washed and cleaned. In a larger bowl, pour 1 dl of plum or grape brandy, add one onion at a time. Knead immediately with a wooden spoon. in brandy, so that they do not oxidize and darken in contact with air. Pour the resulting slurry into a dark jar and add another 9 dl of brandy. Mix everything well and close tightly. Leave to stand for 20 days-30 days and shake occasionally. After 30 days, squeeze the bulbs to release all the liquid from them, strain into a dark jar (no bulbs), hermetically seal. Store in a darker place. Use 2-3 times a day 1 teaspoon of tincture with a little cold water
- In the comment under comment # 11 is an important note from nbezik Namely, tincture of leaves is made now when it is season, and of bulbs, is made in autumn (now the plant has all the energy in the upper part, while the leaves bloom, gives seeds) when the upper plant withers, because now the plant has vitality on the upper part of the stem and in the fall the plant sap returns to the root and then they are most valuable. It's the same with the time of picking herbs. The plant is most valuable from 10 am to 3 pm and in the afternoon the juices return to the roots, so the energy circulates, so it is more healing around noon.
- comment velosine # 36 I quote: From personal experience, with long-term use of scrub leaf tincture, you feel unpleasant body sweat. Therefore, dissolve drops of tincture in half a salt of milk instead of water and solve the problem
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