Rosa Cooking

Thick soup of cod, zucchini and rice

Cod jump into soup with rice and spices

Preparation steps

  • Fry the onion and finely chopped anchovies for about 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper.
  • add chopped celery, peppers and garlic. Add a little white wine and simmer for another 5 minutes
  • Add diced cod (it's easy to chop half-thawed)
  • During this time, find (there is confusion among the spice jars) cumin, parsley, a spoonful of mashed tomatoes and add these ingredients with topping up with water.
  • Cut the zucchini into cubes and throw in the pot, add more water
  • After about 5 minutes add a glass (dec and a half) of rice and cook as long as it takes for the rice to cook (15 - 20 min) over low heat
  • Towards the end add finely chopped dill and two tablespoons of cooking cream (cream is not necessary because the rice lets in density too)
  • When the cream boils remove from the heat and add 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • Allow to stand for about 15 minutes (or more) to cool slightly and serve


anchovy cod dill extra rice soups

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