Rosa Cooking

Stuffed smoked ham

From the magazine "Hrana i vino". Published with the appropriate comment: "We almost drowned" ...

Preparation steps

  • Pour water over the thigh and cook for about an hour so that the meat softens nicely and begins to separate from the bone. Do not spill water from the thigh.
  • Boil two eggs. In the meantime, chop the leek, fry it in a little oil, add finely chopped garlic and champignons cut in half and fry briefly. Add salt and pepper. Remove from the stove. Add two boiled eggs cut into cubes and one fresh egg. Stir to combine nicely. When the buttica is cooked, take out the bone, cut some meat inside so that the buttica can be filled and fill it with leek filling. Tie it with string. Put it in a refractory dish, pour water in which the butt was cooked to half the dish and spread the remains of meat and filling around it. Bake at 220 degrees for forty minutes so that the butt is nicely browned and the water used is slightly evaporated. Serve with mashed potatoes and red wine.


Save this specialty while it is still winter, you will not regret it.

