Rosa Cooking

Sremush and cheese spread

Spring is also the time in these parts when you go on a "hunt" for sremus. Sremuš is a wild forest onion ... very gentle, refreshing and unusual aromas. Who loves garlic or garlic will love sremush! If you have the opportunity to get it, try this spread with some crispy pastries, on sandwiches or even in pies.

Preparation steps

  • Wash sremus, spring onions, parsley or basil. Put all those herbs and a tablespoon or two of olive oil in a blender. When finely chopped, mix with fresh low-fat cheese and spices as desired. I put only salt and beaten white pepper. The result is a fine cheese spread similar to those from stores that do not cost so little but are far healthier and tastier. Since sremus can only be found in early spring, it is convenient to freeze it and use it at the desired time or already prepared with cheese. Pleasant!


with bread, pastries or pies ...


sremus sremush