Rosa Cooking

Spiritual economy

with a cup of coffee a nice text — Do we deserve a better life?

Preparation steps

  • * "Our deepest fear is not incompleteness. We fear most deeply our boundless strength. We are frightened by our light, not our darkness. We wonder who I am to shine. Really, why don't we shine? You are a child of God. Your false modesty does not serve the world. ” Nelson Mandela * By Natalie Luks In the last column I described the importance of making the right decision, and in this one I will explain why such a decision is impossible to make as long as we have a conflict I deserve / do not deserve.
  • I received an extensive letter from a reader, who described to me her difficult life situation and asked me to give her advice on how to find at least a little light in her life full of darkness. I briefly explained my position on getting out of the darkness, in the style that we are the creators of our own lives and that the first step in solving all problems, including hers, is to take responsibility for all our experiences, and I suggested that she contact me, if something concrete is not clear to her.
  • She was not satisfied with my answer. "I definitely don't think it's good what happened to me, and I don't think I deserve it, so your explanation really didn't help me."
  • I was confused for a moment, because it was not clear to me why he was asking for advice, if he had a pre-defined opinion, with which he completely agreed, and which he did not want to change. It occurred to me that she was not seeking advice on how to find her light, but only consolation and confirmation that she deserved a better life.
  • We fear most deeply our boundless strength
  • Nelson Mandela expressed this dichotomy very well:
  • * "Our deepest fear is not incompleteness. We fear most deeply our boundless strength. We are frightened by our light, not our darkness. We wonder who I am to shine. Really, why don't we shine? You are a child of God. Your false modesty does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened in suppressing oneself, to disguise another’s insecurity. You are born to express the glory of God that is in you. He is not only in some, he is in all. If we let our own light shine, we subconsciously allow others to shine. By freeing ourselves from our deepest fears, we help liberate others. ”*
  • Namely, deep in the subconscious we have suppressed the belief that we do not deserve to be what we are and do what we want, because we have forgotten our true nature. Every time we want to get closer to ourselves and our longings, fear prevents us from doing so (which is its main task) and activates the belief - I do not deserve to be and do what my heart desires. It causes pain, and that is why we have created a defense mechanism in our consciousness - I deserve it, by which we avoid fear and anesthetize pain. In this way we protect ourselves and comfort each other.
  • The subconscious mind does what we believe in, not what we want
  • Unfortunately, we are wholeheartedly supported by the psychology of positive thinking, which suggests the affirmation I deserve (love, strength, health, well-being…), assuring us that the subconscious will accept this concept. However, the subconscious mind accepts and executes only what we believe in, not what we want.
  • If you have practiced affirmations and positive thinking, then you know that you have (if you have) any temporary benefit from it, and only if you pay attention to these statements on a daily basis. As soon as you stop, everything immediately goes back to normal, because at the root of the problem is a belief I don’t deserve, which can’t be solved that way.
  • We all struggle through life with the eternal question - why is "this" happening to me, and with what did I deserve "it"? Someone is seriously ill, someone is poor, someone is out of work, someone is unloved, to some children are a problem, and to some physical appearance, how many people have so many questions.
  • Love is not deserved
  • I myself struggled with the same issue, especially in close relationships. It was not at all clear to me why the "injustice" was happening to me, which I was sure I did not deserve. On the contrary, I was convinced that I was giving a lot without being reciprocated, until I realized that love was not deserved. I am love.
  • That realization is a leap in consciousness, it is an awareness of who we are and what we are, a light we all long for. This is the essential difference between I deserve and I am.
  • As long as you think it’s normal to deserve a better life it means deep down in your subconscious you deny yourself and believe you’re not good enough the way you are. The paradox is that you don’t need to deserve what you want, because it already is and you already have it.
  • Looking at it that way, there is no injustice and sacrifice, only ignorance. The ego resists with incredible perseverance to accept the truth that we are already light, strength, love, prosperity… because, the more we accept the truth, the less we diminish it. The more light there is the less darkness. As long as you trust the ego, it will seem cruel to you if someone tells you that you are responsible for your own dismissal, incurable disease, theft, fraud, or car accident, because the ego equates responsibility and guilt.
  • * Living in peace *
  • However, when it becomes more important for you to live in peace and accomplish what you want than to prove yourself right and fight “injustice,” then your true healing begins. This step is called understanding or forgiveness. I am glad that recently, in a TV show, a well-known hematologist said that the possibility of curing leukemia does not depend on medicine, but exclusively on the patient.
  • It is the same with other "injustices".
  • I have written a lot about making money, but let me emphasize once again in this context. As long as you think you need to make money (not create it), it means you subconsciously believe you don’t deserve it, even though you consciously think you deserve it. The result is known - you never have enough of it.
  • One father complained to me that he could not establish communication with his son, even though he made everything possible for him in life. "Well, didn't I deserve at least a thank you for everything I did to him?" He asked me miserably. He realized that he was doing all this to deserve confirmation that he was a good father, which he doubted in the depths of his subconscious.
  • And finally, it may seem to you that you do not have the belief "I do not deserve", because you do not have such thoughts. This was also claimed by my friend until she finally realized that she was unconsciously manifesting herself through her life experiences. She was helped by a question, which she kept asking me - why does this happen to me, when I don't think so? - and my persistence to remind her every time how the subconscious works.


I got this by email and almost threw it in the Recycle bin (basket) but I came back and read with this cup of coffee, I liked it… maybe you like at least a few words..sentence…


antirecept antireceptors destiny fun interesting

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