Rosa Cooking

Spinach gibanica

After painting she disappeared now and then! ;-)

Preparation steps

  • Pre-cleaned spinach is finely chopped and salted.
  • Mix 6 egg whites with a mixer to get a solid snow. Mix with a mixer and 6 egg yolks with a mixture of spices (can and vegeta), then add sour cream, finely chopped garlic and grated cheese. Mix and mix the resulting mixture with sliced ​​spinach and egg whites.
  • Coat the pan with melted butter and put the crust in it, which is also coated with butter and cover with another crust on which we also put melted butter. Fill the Leaves with the stuffing, cover again with two new sheets of dough, coat with butter and so on until the leaves are used up. Coat the top leaves with butter and place the gibanica in the oven at 200 ° C. After 15 minutes, reduce the temperature of the stove to 150 ° C and bake for another 30 minutes.


dinner feta gibanica gibanici pie spinach

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