Rosa Cooking

Spicy South Indian cauliflower

My favorite way to prepare cauliflower is this adaptation of Martha Rose Shulman’s recipe from the New York Times. Exotic, but not too much - and very, very tasty.

Preparation steps

  • Divide the cauliflower into florets and soften them either by steaming or blanching in boiling salted water for about 5 minutes. Cool with ice water and drain. Cut the larger flowers into four, then set aside.
  • Chop the carrots and red peppers into cubes.
  • Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger and 1 teaspoon of cumin powder, and diced carrots and peppers, and fry briefly (no longer than 1 minute).
  • Add the cauliflower, stir, and simmer for about 2-3 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, grate the tomatoes and chop the peel.
  • Stir in the tomatoes, 2 teaspoons of coriander powder, 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric, on top of a knife ground hot pepper (or more if you like hot) and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Simmer for about 5 minutes, or until the tomato liquid has evaporated.
  • Chop the parsley. (The original is fresh coriander, but I don't like it.)
  • Try if it is salty enough, and if not, add salt. Finally add the parsley, stir for another 30 seconds and serve warm.


The author recommends serving with rice and sliced ​​lime on the side, for squeezing. We usually eat it only with a salad, as a light lunch.


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