Rosa Cooking

Spicy morena with cocoa or cocoa noodles or “Noise”

A sauce that will awaken your senses with dark pasta with cocoa that seductively, like some exotic dancer, wraps around your fork as you slowly bring the bite to your mouth… fiery taste of pleasure…

Preparation steps

  • Wash the tomatoes and cut them into cubes. Chop the parsley and garlic. Cut the olives into pieces.
  • Boil the eggs hard (10 minutes), peel and mash quite finely.
  • Heat the oil in a pan and place the sliced ​​tomatoes on it, add the ground pepper and chopped garlic, add salt and simmer over low heat until the tomatoes are slightly softened (10-15 minutes). It is not necessary to add water as the tomatoes will release their juice. Then add the chili and olives, and the beaten eggs and mix well. If the sauce seems too thick, add a little water and boil briefly to combine. Finally add the chopped parsley.
  • Cook the cocoa pasta in salted water. Strain and add to the sauce, then mix everything lightly and serve.


Serve red wine with a Mediterranean climate with a spicy, spicy dish and complete the pleasure.



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