Sombrero pasta
Preparation steps
- Place the flour in the pile on a work board, add the egg, oil, salt one by one in the middle and slowly begin to unite the flour with the eggs with a fork. When you have combined the flour with the eggs with a fork, start kneading with your hands.
- If the dough is too hard add a few tablespoons of cold water. Knead until the dough becomes smooth and elastic. Put the dough on a plate and cover it with a bowl and leave it to rest for half an hour.
- After half an hour, start rolling out the dough from the middle outwards until you get a thin dough but a little thicker than for tagliatelle. Sprinkle with flour often.
- Use a 7 cm wide kitchen ring or water cup to remove the dough circles. Place the resulting circles under a damp cloth to prevent them from drying out.
- Take out three circles under the cloth, then cut them in half and make sombreros by transferring the corners of the dough to each other and carefully gluing them together.
- ....
- Put the obtained dough in the shape of a funnel on the bottle ....
- .... bend the ends down to make the rim of the hats.
- Arrange the hats on a kitchen cloth sprinkled with flour.
- Dry for about an hour.
- Cook the pasta in a large pot full of water to which you have added a couple of tablespoons of oil and two teaspoons of salt.
- Drain carefully.