Rosa Cooking

SNAGS - Australian hot dog with caramelized onions

Mini hotdog sandwiches with fried sausages and caramelized onions brewed in beer. The onion prepared in this way is excellent with various roasted meats and potatoes.

SNAGS - Australian hot dog with caramelized onions

Preparation steps

  • If you can't find Chipolata sausage, then buy fresh pork are best with spices. The recipe is for two people, or for 4 mini pastries. Caramelized onions can be stored in the refrigerator for a month.
  • Cut the onion into thin slices, add to a small pot or pan along with the oil and fry for about 3 minutes. Then add sugar and fry for another 5 minutes. Finally add balsamic vinegar and a little beer and simmer. few minutes. When the liquid evaporates add a little more beer again. Onions cook for a minimum of 20-25 minutes. Add beer gradually during cooking. In the end, the onion must be like a syrup. Set aside.
  • Fry the mini sausages in a little oil. Set aside.
  • In the oil where the sausages were fried, toast a little halved pastry to lightly brown.
  • Coat each side of the pastry with mustard, add a couple of arugula leaves, thinly sliced ​​avocado, a layer of caramelized onions and sausage.


australia avocado bagel caramel chutney fine hotdog sandwich sugar

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