Rosa Cooking

Slavsko Zito

Glory is not glory without a celebration cake and wheat! Women prepare slav wheat in different ways, and I will suggest mine, with more detailed explanations for beginners and those who have not prepared it in this way before. I hope you like it;)

Preparation steps

  • x Before cooking, clean the wheat and soak it in cold water. Leave it to stand until cooking. Then cook it at the lowest possible temperature, since wheat can easily burn and stick to the bottom of the sieve, and do not mix at all. temperature and boosted to 4 to boil for about half an hour and the grain was done.
  • Leave the cooked grain in a sieve, covered and if possible wrap it in carsav. Leave it to stand for a while. I did not wrap it this time, but I left it warm covered for a few hours after cooking.
  • Then squeeze it. I use that big wire grid for straining. Of course, as small and thick as possible;) Leave it to drain well, and during that time grind the same amount of walnuts on the machine as you cooked the grain, and grind the same amount of sugar. Add 1 vanilla sugar to the sugar to smell it;)
  • When the grain is well drained, grind it on a meat grinder. Then add ground walnuts and powdered sugar to the ground life and mix the mixture well to equalize. When the mass is even, grate a little nutmeg on top. Since I know that there are a number of women who have not put it so far, pure advice for them. in each of the better-equipped stores, packed in bags.
  • Also grate a little lemon zest on top. You should not overdo it with the lemon zest, so that the grain is not too sour or so that it does not get bitter from the rind. the glorious grain is over. Then a little more decoration and that's it;)


For decoration, use that handful of whole walnuts that we left at the beginning. And of course, it looks much nicer when sprinkled with ground walnuts on top, and then a cross made of walnuts is made over it.


glory sweets tradition wheat

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