Rosa Cooking

# slavonia

Cracker cakes

Cracker cakes

If you ask your grandparents what the secret of their health and longevity is, you will often hear, "Because good food used to be eaten!" With crackling cakes, go back to the "good old days".

Crickets with mushroom sauce

Why are they called crickets - probably because fried in a pan they make the sound of crickets at the same time enticing with the smell. In their parents' house they were called "flutes". It was an ugly name for me and my brother, so we called them this. How are you….

Duck stuffed with buckwheat

For me, the superior taste and smell of buckwheat combined with the best poultry meat is always a gastronomic experience.

Dukan Slavonian sausage

No matter what kind of Slavonian I would be, without eating at least dukan sausage during the pig slaughter;) I tried to make it, and the best evaluator was my Slavonian kupresak who said it was excellent and didn't believe it wasn't commercial until he saw pictures of the procedure: D

Excursion snacks

Cold or warm, these buns are a good support for May Day hikers who would spend the trip playing and having fun without the burden of cooking. So bake them in time to cool to withstand the conditions of the hiking bag well. As they are easy to separate from each other, they are suitable for handling even conditions when hand hygiene may not be taken into account.

Fine beef stew…

The perfect combination of beef and plums. For some, this combination is unthinkable, but they are mistaken… Plums give this stew a special aroma… Try to make it and enjoy the perfect harmony…

Fish risotto

Fish and rice. Combining two foods in a dish that is easy to prepare, and at the same time solves both the main dish and the side dish, we add some seasonal salad and a light fish soup. Do you need anything more to start a real feast worthy of every table… .. I posted this recipe last year on one of our forums, so if you have already met it, let it be a reminder, and if you haven't, I hope it will enrich your collection!

Game shepherd

Each region of Croatia also had its favorite "wild" inhabitants and dishes from them. Gorski kotar celebrated the down, and Slavonia, due to the wealth of game, the shepherd. These dishes are prepared on an open fire, but they are also delicious from the stove.

Golden ducats

Golden ducats

Designed, fragrant and golden - they require a lot of effort, but with their taste and suitability at every opportunity, they reciprocate every moment you have mixed into them.

Grandma's rolls

Grandma, why do you always make bread cakes? my little cousin asked our grandmother. And the grandmother as a real Slavonian, rolls, walnuts, poppy seeds, donuts… Although in her heart and soul she loves creamy and fine cakes, she had no other choice when there used to be 11 of us at the table. grandmother….

Grandma's Slavonian sausage sauce

simple but nice ... alone, with bread or polenta ... just to patch up a hot dinner or to spend a leftover piece of sausage from the fridge

Grenade launcher

Grenade launcher

Here is an old and "poor" recipe. We still like it and I don't think there is a house where it is not made here in Slavonia. It was made, of course, with homemade pasta, which my grandmother still makes today. This is my version.

Honey roll

The taste of honey and coffee are combined in this cake. It is very different from the classic cream biscuit. Even the glaze… ......


I see that there are a lot of recipes, but each one differs at least in something. Here is my recipe that I have been working on for years.


Twice in my life I held my breath when I saw the ischlers. The ones made by Mignonne and the ones brought to us for the wedding by a dear aunt. I've been imagining for a long time. Mignonne, thank you again for the idea for the chocolate patterns on your ischles, which were specially made for me.

Katarina plates

Katarina plates

Dark dough, light dough, nuts, raisins, oranges, chocolate… Attractive ingredients Katarina plates and themselves are enough to awaken your desire for sweet! If you wish, you can easily turn Katarina tiles into Katarina cubes!