Skopje makalo
Very old traditional Macedonian dish..Mrs. Kika (12345678) gave us her version for makalo salad… which is a wonderful salad..Now I will give you a version of my mom but this is a side dish..and it can be the main dish (
Preparation steps
- Wash the potatoes and peeled peppers nicely, pour water over them and let them boil until they soften nicely.
- Cut the peppers in half lengthwise and remove the inside with a spoon and separate from the skins (so that you only have the fleshy part of the pepper left)
- Put salt and garlic in the oven and beat well
- Add the peeled potatoes and beat them so that small lumps remain through it
- Add the inside of the tied paprika and mix nicely by slowly adding the potato water (water where the potatoes and peppers were cooked) until you get a slightly thicker mass than puree
- Heat the oil nicely and sprinkle the potatoes and peppers with hot oil
- Take one large loaf of bread, preferably hot, a little white cheese and pour….