Sham rolls
It's time to sweeten up ..;)
Preparation steps
- Leave the puff pastry to thaw at room temperature. Flour the base and then stretch all three boards. Cut the boards into strips (I dropped 10 strips from one board). Wrap each strip around the mold. The mold can be made of Toulouse or metal .. Whatever you have .. :)
- Place in a baking tray on baking paper, coat with egg yolks and bake at 200 ° C for about ten minutes. Remove the baked rolls from the mold while they are still hot.
- Whisk the egg whites into a firm sauce and put them in the fridge. Boil sugar and water in a thicker syrup (before caramelization). Gradually pour the hot syrup into the egg whites and stir the mixer all the time. When all the syrup is used up, continue to stir until the sham is completely cooled and becomes thick and shiny. When both the rolls and the sham are completely cooled, fill the rolls with the syringe with the filling. You can sprinkle the rolls with powdered sugar or add over more filling, if you have any left, like the menu. : D