Setteveli cake
I found the recipe on a website and decided to share it with you. They say that the recipe is secret, probably so. There is a lot of work around it, it took me 2 and a half hours, for the first time. But it pays to make it because there is phenomenal taste, unique. Crispy and creamy, and here's the recipe!
Preparation steps
- Pralines: Put sugar and water on a low heat, do not use any spoon, the sugar will caramelize. When the caramel is light in color, add almonds and hazelnuts, stir with a wooden spoon. You will see that the caramel, when you add the hazelnuts, will become firm again. Don't be afraid, you are on the right track, because it will become liquid again. When that happens, the pralines are done. All in all it takes 15 min. Pour everything on baking paper. Take care, because it's hot! It is best to put it on a wooden or marble base. Allow to cool well. Then take a meat hammer or rolling pin and break everything into small pieces. Then put it all nicely in the multipractice and mix it. After about 3 minutes it will become floury, and then a thick and greasy cream that will separate from the walls of the multipractice. When it starts to stick to the walls again, the praline is ready. You can put it in a jar and store it in the refrigerator for future use. It can last up to 2-3 months.
- Chocolate Patispan: Mix butter and powdered sugar well and add egg yolk, then melted chocolate and then flour. Finally, add egg whites and sugar. Pour everything into a round tray lined with baking paper and bake at a temperature of 180 ° C for about 30 minutes. When cool, cut in half. So you will get 2 crusts.
- Praline and cornflakes crust: Melt white and milk chocolate in a pan, add pralines and cornflakes. Pour it over one crust of patisserie.
- Bavarian cream: Boil the milk, add the previously beaten egg yolks with sugar. Cook but do not allow to boil, means over low heat. Then add the pralines. And then dissolved gelatin. When cool add the whipped cream. The sour cream should not be over-stirred, it should be semi-mixed. Line it with baking paper and put on the bottom the crust on which you put the crust with cornflakes. Pour half of the Bavarian cream over this. Put it all a little in the fridge to harden. In the meantime, prepare 2 disks of chocolate. Simply melt the chocolate and pour on baking paper and form 2 circles the size of a pastry. Draw circles on baking paper with a pencil and then spread the chocolate in that frame. Then put them in the freezer for a couple of minutes. Take care must be on a flat surface. So it will harden. Take 1 disc of chocolate and put it over the Bavarian cream. Then put another patisserie crust over, then Bavarian cream and then a chocolate disk. Put it in the fridge. Since I didn't succeed in this because the chocolate cracked, I spread it over the cream, first I put the cake in the fridge to harden, to get that disk.
- Chocolate mousseDissolve sugar and water. Pour this hot syrup into the egg yolks in a thin stream, stirring constantly with a mixer. Add milk and melted chocolate. Allow to cool. Add the whipped cream and leave in the fridge for at least half an hour. Remove the cake slowly and the sherpa zones and remove the paper lightly. Fill with chocolate mousse. Return to the refrigerator. Prepare the chocolate topping. Bring to a boil water, sour cream, sugar and cocoa. Cook for 8-10 minutes. Then add the dissolved gelatin and leave to cool a bit. Pour over the cake and return to the fridge. You can decorate it. I melted the white chocolate. She poured it on baking paper and sprinkled it with melted dark or milk chocolate. When it cools, you can cut this into squares and decorate the cake with them.
- Order: 1. Chocolate patisserie2. Praline and cornflakes bark3. Bavarian cream4. Chocolate disc5. Chocolate patisserie6. Bavarian cream7. Chocolate disc8. Chocolate mousse 9. Chocolate glaze Pleasant!