Rosa Cooking

Sauerkraut with tempeh

Tempeh as a traditional Indonesian soy product, which is extremely rich in protein, combined with our homemade sauerkraut - will harmonize two opposing forces, yin and yang, and bring harmony to mind and body.

Preparation steps

  • Cut the tempeh into cubes and marinate in soy sauce.
  • Saute the onion, cut into crescents, in sesame oil, add the washed sauerkraut and cook on low heat for about 10 minutes, basting with water.
  • Fry the marinated tempeh in deep oil and add to the prepared cabbage.


Serve sauerkraut with tempeh warm.


Tempeh is the only macrobiotic food you can keep frozen.


cabbage lunch macrobio macrobiotics november svastara vegan vegetables

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