Rosa Cooking

Sarma with tuna

All tuna lovers will surely like this.

Preparation steps

  • Divide the greens into leaves and cook for 5 minutes. in salt water.
  • Drain the leaves - save the water - remove the thick parts with the leaves.
  • Mash the canned tuna together with the oil with a fork.
  • Fry finely chopped onion in oil with bread crumbs and pepper, to become glassy.To add tuna.Add eggs.
  • From the mixture, we form balls, wrap each one in a sheet, arrange the sarmis in a tin or a small baking dish, pour water over the water in which we cooked the greens.
  • Bake at 200 * on the highest possible grid in the oven for about 20-30 minutes.
  • Add the paprika to the yoghurt and mix.
  • Arrange the sauerkraut still warm on a serving oval, pour over the yoghurt and serve while still warm.