Rosa Cooking

Salty broccoli cake

Merry Christmas !!!

Preparation steps

  • Boil the broccoli a little in water seasoned with and pepper, then chop it finely;
  • Whisk the egg yolk with the milk, then add the flour, broccoli, sour cream, salt and pepper…
  • You will get a pancake-like mixture only thicker…
  • Fry the pancakes (about 6) in olive oil on one side only;
  • Put the pancakes in a fireproof dish spread with margarine, then grate the cheese and cheese, and then put another pancake over it until there is a mixture…
  • Do not fry the last pancake, but just pour the mixture on top, grate it with cheese, sprinkle a little oil and bake at 200 C, about 20 minutes, just to brown it…
  • You can coat it with sour cream or whatever you like, I decorated it with New Year's…


Since my comp. again broken, I release the recipe from a neighbor, so I have some problems so I can't connect the pictures… if there are any questions I hope to answer tomorrow… :))))))))


appetizers broccoli decorations party pavlovska salty yummi

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