Another old recipe, traditional that has been prepared for generations in my family… .. juicy and fine grandmother's roses that are made with butter-dough ....
Preparation steps
- The butter must be at room temperature.
- From the listed ingredients, knead a light dough.
- Roll it out on a floured surface.
- With hot milk, pour over the walnuts and mix well.
- Walnut filling, spread evenly over the dough and gently roll it.
- Cut the roses with a sharp knife and arrange them in a greased and floured large baking tray.
- Bake them in a preheated oven for half an hour at 180C.
- Meanwhile, cook the syrup, finally add the lemon juice and cook for 5 minutes.
- Drizzle the hot roses one by one with warm sugar syrup.
- Cover them with a cloth and leave them overnight to cool and absorb the sugar syrup evenly. This is a measure for one large oven tray.
- You can also make roses with ready-made dough-noodles-crusts, if you are not news about home-made or you don't have time. In that case, 500g goes. finished crust, the filling is 400-500 g of walnuts and agda-sugar syrup, 1 kg. sugar, 1l. water and one lemon. They are also excellent with thyrite, which is made with 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of butter, flour as needed. It is usually prepared the day before so that it can be dried and grated into small crumbs. and sprinkle over the noodles.
The longer they stand the better and juicier they become. Serve them and serve cold with coffee or cold lemonade and “enjoy))))