Rosa Cooking

Russian Charlotte

A nice light cake, with a little experience, always succeeds

Preparation steps

  • Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites, beat with the sugar, until foamy and white
  • Separately beat the egg whites into a stiff batter
  • Gradually and lightly add flour with baking powder and a little oil to the egg yolk mixture
  • at the end mix the snow very carefully and lightly
  • Bake at 200 C, turn over on a wet cloth, roll up and leave to cool a bit
  • Whip the cream into the whipped cream by adding vanilla sugar after 1 minute of mixing
  • Top the biscuit with jam and cut to about 2 cm. Coat a round dish, eg for salad, with the roulade slices, very densely next to each other. Leave a few plates to cover the top
  • Pour a little lukewarm water over the gelatin leaves and leave it to swell for about 10 minutes
  • Put lemon juice and sugar in the wine and heat but so that it does not boil, it must be warm but not too hot
  • Dissolve the swollen gelatin in a mixture of wine and lemon juice and leave it to cool a bit more, when it starts to thicken, pour the liquid very lightly and carefully into the whipped cream. The resulting mixture will be quite liquid
  • Pour the liquid whipped cream on the roll. Cover with the remains of the plates and leave to cool in the refrigerator for at least two hours
  • When the whipped cream hardens, turn the cake on the base


Instead of a round bowl, the roll can be stacked in an ordinary cake pan, poured with whipped cream and decorated with whipped cream or strawberries (see picture). If we work in a round bowl, we will get a very decorative cake when turned upside down.


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