Rosa Cooking

Rizi - bizi

A dish that functions as a side dish and as a main dish. He can't get bored.

Preparation steps

  • Cut the onion into cubes, fry in oil until soft. Add the red, ground peppers, stir over low heat and add the peas you previously washed (if using from the freezer). Pour water (0.5 l) and increase the flame. Put another bowl of water and cook the rice. Mix the peas, make sure they don't run out of water and season with vegeta, salt and pepper. After the peas are half cooked (after half an hour), add the rice, which still needs five minutes, and mix everything together so that the rice does not stick. It is important that there is water in the pot which, by stirring, evaporates in the last 10 minutes and thickens into a fine sauce. Add a little curry towards the end.


With tomatoes, cornbread, prosciutto, cold cuts or classic - breaded white meat.


healthy food leisurely vegetarian

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