Refreshing sauerkraut salad
Sauerkraut is certainly the healthiest when eaten raw, prepared on a salad. This recipe is a variation on the classic sweet cabbage salads found in old cookbooks.
Preparation steps
- Be sure to wash sauerkraut in cold water. If it is very acidic, it can be washed in warm water. Drain it well with your hands and put in a bowl.
- Grate carrots on a larger grater (ideal if grated oblong, alla julienne)
- Rinse the corn in water and strain
- Cut the purple onion into fine cubes
- Make a dressing: mix mayonnaise, cream and lemon (if the cabbage is not too sour), generously pepper (optional) and mix well in the salad
- Check the spiciness of the salad and, if necessary, finish it to taste
This salad is ideal for a side dish of dried cold cuts, cooked and baked sausages. Although I am a big opponent of mayonnaise, this way mixed with sauerkraut loses its excessive caloric charge and actually represents the minimum fat, which is needed to season a salad.