Rosa Cooking

# ravanija


I warmly recommend it to all fans of agave cakes .. !!


We love all sorts of antique cakes, so even when it cools down in the fridge, it comes as a balm to the wound ... And for how many people? so it depends on appetite ...


A beautiful and juicy oriental cake for bitter coffee ... a delight!


This is a cake that was often prepared before. I have this recipe from my mom, and since my husband loves Ravani, I make it often. I have several recipes for this type of dessert, but this one is the most beautiful for me.


I haven't made it in years, and today ........

Ravanija II

There are several recipes under the name Ravanija in my mother's course. I have already published with coconut and another one. Therefore, this is Ravanija II. Otherwise an oriental cake, which is prepared in several Balkan countries.

Ravanija with bulgur

Usually ravanija is made with wheat grits, but small bulgur gives it a special taste.


delicious dessert that looks dry and full of agda (sherbet) inside and very easy to prepare

Sarena ravanija

I haven't searched everything, maybe there is a recipe like this, but I decided to give my own at your service - thank you

Skopje plain

For lovers of watered cakes.

Vocna Revanija

Juicy, fruity, mmmm… ...