Raffaello in the wafer
Preparation of the wafer stuffed with hazelnut cream and coconut cream with an excellent taste, simply put "experience". Watch the preparation with a VIDEO recipe.
Preparation steps
- -boil 2.5 dl of water with 350 g of sugar-add 350 g of margarine and 1 vanilla sugar-slowly add 500 g of powdered milk-boil a little-separate in one bowl about 3/5 and in another bowl about 2/5 of the filling for the wafer -add 150 g of coconut flour to a bowl with more filling -in a bowl with less filling add 100g of ground hazelnuts-so we got two different fillings, with a hazelnut flavor and another with a coconut flavor-attention! the filling should be applied hot, -start with coconut filling, -spread the next peel / leaf with hazelnut filling-all in all; 6 wafers with three coconut filling spreads and two hazelnuts - use the weight and flat base of the baking tray on the cake to evenly fill the filling and the leaves. .youtube.com / watch? v = NqBoMmeGxlI & list = UUg_GxNOpxom8Cv7m2-JYZiQ