Rosa Cooking

Quarkkuchen ohne boden

A wonderful cheesecake that can be bought. The stake is not required to make and there is plenty of it. The substitute for quark in Svecka is kesella naturell, and in Norway kesam. A substitute for pudding crackers in Norway is kakefyll honey vanilla smack

Preparation steps

  • Whisk softened butter with sugar and vanilla sugar, add egg yolks, cheese,, baking powder, semolina, juice and zest of half a lemon, pudding powder, mix into a mixture without lumps, sliced ​​raisins. Finally, lightly stir in the solid egg whites.
  • Arrange the mixture in a 26 cm mold (lined with baking paper). Bake on the lower rack in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for some 50-55 minutes (check because the ovens are not the same). Coat the baked cake with melted butter, sprinkle immediately with powdered sugar. Cool the cake well in the refrigerator.



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Do you think cheesecake is an American invention? Well, it's not! With this great, light treat, the competitors at the first Olympic Games, in 776 BC, were already strengthened. She was bewitched by the Greeks, who are very attached to the one: "Bread and games"!


In addition to the classic walnut and chocolate cakes, the cheesecake is part of the obligatory festive program of every household - anniversaries, birthdays…. And in the end, you will admit to yourself that there is no need to look for a reason for a good thing.

Cheese pie

A good old cheese pie is a nostalgic reminder: to some of childhood, to some of grandma’s visits, and to some of confectionery’s first attempts. Raisins dipped in cream cheese, vanilla and orange scent, crispy dough… Perfect!

Chocolate cheesecake

On the Greek island of Delos, in 778 BC, a cheese treat was offered to athletes before the first Olympics. The Greeks used, in addition to cheese, flour and honey for its preparation. You prepare a chocolate cheesecake and a creamy ricotta. Velvety and creamy at the same time!

Crispy cheesecake

Fresh cow's cheese is a favorite food for many, even the most festive desserts in continental Croatia. Extremely refreshing.

New York Cheesecake

New York Cheesecake

You can taste the most famous cheesecake at Linda’s and Junior’s deli in Brooklyn. But to taste this delicious and mouth-melting cheesecake, you don’t have to travel to New York. Prepare it according to the recipe, serve with fruit topping and enjoy the flavors.

Pie with almonds and cheese

This layered, disheveled pie offers a handful of flavors with each new bite. A row of crispy dough, a row of almonds and a row of cheese with vanilla and orange flavors. Do we still need to persuade you?

Snow parfait cubes

Snow parfait cubes

The airy parfait cream is suitable for adding various aromas. Fresh cheese lovers benefit from this recipe, but they will not leave others indifferent either. The aromas of lemon, raisins and hazelnuts harmoniously complement this "snow" cream.