Pumpkin jam
with ginger and vanilla. Pumpkin is the queen of autumn .. Pumpkins as a rare food have everything I need in this modern rhythm of life: plenty of vitamins and minerals, dietary caloric value, useful fiber Pumpkins are useful even from the ubiquitous potatoes, because unlike him they can also eat fresh.
Preparation steps
- Preparation: Cut the vanilla lengthwise and scrape off its contents. Mix it with the sugar and save the beans. Cut the cleaned pumpkin flesh into centimeter-sized cubes, then place it in a pot with water, sugar, vanilla and orange juice. Mix everything well. Grate peeled ginger.
- Procedure: Boil the mixture in a pot and cook for one minute, stirring constantly. then add the ginger and continue to cook until the jam thickens. make a test on a chilled plate on which you drip a little marmalade. Add lemon juice to the cooked jam and remove the vanilla pod. Pour the hot jam to the top in sterilized jars and put a piece of cooked vanilla in each. Close the jars hot immediately with a lid and wrap the jam in a blanket and wait for it to cool or leave it in the oven closed warm overnight. I liked the recipe and the source is from the magazine "Dobar tek" On coolki I found only one recipe Pumpkin jam by ljubica0312 Most pumpkins have a hard rind that is difficult to peel, even cut. To make your job easier, here's a little tip: dip a sharp knife into the pumpkin, then lift it off the surface and let it fall to the work surface from about twenty centimeters high. This will make the pumpkin crack and you will peel it easier. And it is important not to wash the knives in hot water, be sure to wash them in cold water, because they dull faster
- Other by me recipes on the theme of pumpkin: Recipes on the theme of pumpkin .. ♥ ♪ ♫ Cream soup of roasted pumpkin ... ♥ Pumpkin jam ..... ♥ Pumpkin cake ... ♥ Pumpkin pie ... ♥ Pie crushed with pumpkin ... ♥ Pumpkin gnocchi and pumpkin loaf big gnocchi and a little more about pumpkin ... ♥ Stuffed breaded pumpkin steak ... ♥ Pumpkin stew 2in1 ... ♥ Pumpkin and chicken risotto ... ♥ Fried pumpkin slices with yogurt sauce ... ♥ Pumpkin goulash ... ♥ Pumpkin ajvar by antoinete ... s Chickpea and pumpkin salad by annika7 ... ♥ Tijaro and Tijama strudel by antoinete ... ♥ Pumpkin cake with amaretti by DajanaD .... B PUMPKIN JUICE by vanesax ... ♥ Pumpkin bread ARGENTA ♥,
- IMPORTANT: if you make a larger amount of 5-6 kg, it is difficult to cut everything into cubes (cut only small dions into small cubes) .. then cut the rest into larger cubes and put in a multipractice on a scraper attachment, and it can also be finely chopped with a stick mixer. or grind by hand like apples..will it will be faster .. There is work, but the jam is above expectations, and you can mix it with apples or some other fruit such as pears ..
Pumpkins and gourds that ripen in the fall are somewhat different from those that ripen in the summer. We pick summer pumpkins when they are quite small ..., because they are the tastiest then. Autumn-winter varieties, such as early, buttermut and muscat de Provence, reach their full maturity only a month after harvest. During this period, their carbohydrates are converted into sugars, their meat and skin change color, and the meat becomes fragrant, sweet and attractive. Storing pumpkins is so easy that you can keep them in your apartment for a while as a decoration, and then one day just eat them! The temperature of the room in which you keep them should not fall below 5 ° C and ideal conditions are in the range of 10-21 ° C.