Rosa Cooking

Prosenica * Lika unleavened bread *

Prosenica is a bread of four, six and sometimes seven types of cereals. This is unleavened wholemeal bread baked without added flavorings, sugar, additives and preservatives, only cereals salt and water. Thanks to the bucker for asking, for unleavened bread from several types of cereals. I got into chemistry too and hopefully ischemia. This is both a recipe and a story about unleavened bread that even reduces hunger. I made three variants on the topic of bread as I did not find a recipe on the net but only ingredients and thus behaved like the questions I asked about prosenica with friends from Brinje, Josipdol, and sister-in-law from Lički Lešće and in correspondence and experiences with bucker this recipe that may not be original, but a friend who knows about that bread and her impressions were: this was my mom’s beggar. If you do not have some flour, you can grind cereals, barley, buckwheat, then coconut rice and all grains such as flax and other seeds, as well as spicy dried herbs

Preparation steps

  • This is the third and best variant of bread (at least for us housemates and my friend who knows what Lika prosenica is), which in the future I will make only several types of flour *, seven or maybe 4 or 6 types of cereals (barley - you can also use some other grains). in a coffee grinder) hot water * and salt *. If you don't have any flour, you can grind cereals, barley buckwheat, then coconut rice and everything grainy like flax and other seeds, as well as spicy dried herbs rosemary, basil, etc. bread is combined with several types of cereal flour that is ground in a mill. I put the flour listed in the ingredients (about 90 dag of flour) for 20 dag of corn, millet, rye and 10 dag of barley (which I ground in a coffee grinder) 10 dag of wheat and 5 dag of buckwheat and 5 dag of spelled flour (7 type, although there are 6 types of flour, but you can put flour of your choice, even sunflower flax seeds .. this is the next option to try it this way)) with 1 vel flat spoon of salt and stirred .. I put a transparent foil on a plate and left the bread in the morning and about 14h poured into an oiled pan and put in a preheated oven at 200 ° C to bake more than 1h about 70-80 minutes. I left a few pages inside the pan with a knife and after 30 minutes I took it out. The bread is so warm, it crumbles a little, but tomorrow is a better day. Here it is from Saturday and today is Tuesday and the fourth day .. the bread has not changed, nor has it dried.. delicious as the first day .. I keep it in a bag like I keep bread. Prosenica does not mix It should NOT be mixed in and it is made on the principle that bread without mixing very quickly and easily by the way is the easiest for me without soiling dishes, worktops, and my favorite bread from grandmother Katica. The bread is compact but tasty if you want the bread to be yellow, feel free to increase the corn flour (and reduce or change the proportions.) Here is a slice of bread on the fourth day..same as the first day..does not dry does not lose its properties , as they would say in the Gacka valley, bread dura li ga dura.
  • This is another variant with honey: I put in this composition of flour: wheat, millet rye and corn added buckwheat and spelled flour, 1 tablespoon honey hot water less 1 dcl and 3 dcl radish 1 tablespoon salt and the tip of a knife baking powder at 600 gr flour overall. I didn’t knead it but just made it with a wooden spoon a couple of turns in the bowl. She left it from 8.30 am to 2 pm, so it stood like bread and just poured it into a bowl, left it for another 1 hour and put it in a preheated oven for 1 hour to bake at 200 ° C. it turned out this kind of bread up close looks like this. This second variant is more perforated and is not as compact as the third variant (more because of the honey for baking honey on the tip of a baking powder and Radenska knife, ie) ... but that's why the one under No. 1 is tastier, they say mine.
  • This is the first variant I started with. I put several types of flour in a bowl: a mixture of four types of flour that I got from Ogulin - homemade flour ground in a mill. I added buckwheat and spelled flour. Drizzle with hot water and a pinch of salt. I put baking soda and a bit of this yeast (the size of a walnut) from Grandma Katica's bread in the flour on top of the knife. Drizzle with hot salted water and stir with a wooden spoon. I mixed it a little on the worktop and put it in an oiled pan (olive oil). I smeared it with cold water, cut the cubes with a damp knife. I baked it at 200 ° C for about 80 minutes and the bread is a little heavy, moist inside, and crispy from SB and yeast (from the previous bread that I keep in a jar in the refrigerator) (it can stand for up to 7 days) .. On the outside, the crust was like dried cracked earth. And this bread is delicious, a little moist and fine to crush with milk or white coffee.
  • It also has the name of a mixer with 5 types of flour as the bucker says. SEE PICTURE MIXER bucker; But I made the first, then the second and third variant, which I put under number 1 because we liked the version of this bread the most. , 0.5 cups of barley flour, 0.5 cups of rye flour, a tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of honey. If you do not have any type of flour, grind cereals in a coffee grinder. Boil 1 liter of water with a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of honey. Stir and sift the flour mixture. Pour the mixture with hot water and mix with a food processor until it becomes a compact whole. with water and a little oil. Put it still warm in an oiled pan and bake for 90 minutes at 170 degrees. Cover with a damp cloth. Thank you for your attention if you read the recipe and comment if you know how to make proscenium in your area
  • Variant quick with jamnica or radenska ... I also put seeds and 8 types of buckwheat oat flour, barley integrally rye spelled, corn, graham and flax seeds ground .. Mixed flour added SB to the tip of a knife and poured with 2 dcl of warm salted water and other jamnice (radenska9 and immediately put the oven for about 90 minutes at 200 ° C. The bread is more airy due to radenska


I thank the bucker for the question, idea and reminder for Lika prosenica, because it interested my curiosity, so I gave myself three times to experimenting with making antique prosenica bread that was once made by women all over Lika, Josipdol Brinje and Gacka valley.


to try out

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