Rosa Cooking

Prebranac with sausage

There is not much to say here, prebranac with sausage ... I think that's enough.

Preparation steps

  • Clean the beans, wash them and leave them in cold water overnight
  • Put the beans to boil for ten minutes, pour water and pour a new one, return to the hob to continue cooking
  • In another bowl during this time, simmer the onion, red and leek in a little oil and over low heat
  • After ten minutes, add the rest of the vegetables and continue to simmer
  • Fry the sausages just a little and set aside
  • When the onions and vegetables are cooked, transfer to a bowl where the beans are cooked, and cook for another half an hour. When everything is nicely cooked, add the spices, ie pepper, and allspice.
  • When everything is well cooked, transfer the beans to an earthenware dish, add the sausages, dried peppers, and place in a preheated oven at 200 degrees to bake, and evaporate the excess liquid.
  • When the excess liquid has evaporated, we take the dish out of the oven, and that’s it
  • On the table, it should look like this, with a seasonal or salad of your choice, whoever you like
  • In my plate, it looked exactly like this


beans ostanidoma prebranac white bean

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