Pizza piroška (or so-called folding)
Juicy, soft, cheap… extra dinner :-)
Preparation steps
- In a glass with a little warm milk and a teaspoon of sugar, stir the germ and leave it warm.
- Weigh the flour, add salt, oil, germ from the glass and warm water. Knead the dough, soft, yet separating from the walls of the bowl, and let it rise.
- Meanwhile, grate the cheese, ham, mushrooms, all to your liking.
- When the dough has risen, roll it out on a floured surface, spread just enough to cover a larger baking tray than the oven.
- Cut in half.
- Coat each half, halfway with sour cream, then ketchup and fill with the prepared filling. Fold and squeeze the ends with a fork so that the dough does not separate.
- Bake until golden brown, about 10 minutes
- Remove, cover with a clean kitchen cloth for 3-4 minutes. Then coat with sour cream, decorate with ketchup and sprinkle with oregano…
Dinner with beer… extra :-)