Pizza Alibaba 5 cheeses
This pizza is no different from other pizzas, but it is very high in calories and delicious
Preparation steps
- Mix the dough ingredients in a bowl and place in a multipractice
- Mix in a multipractice for about 1 hour and make sure the mixture is even, vary the ingredients (flour, water and salt)
- After mixing, take out the dough and put it in a floured bowl, cover with a cloth and let it stand in a warm place for about 2 hours (cut a cross with a knife on top of the dough)
- While the dough is rising, prepare the sauce by placing olive oil in a bowl
- Add the chopped garlic, thyme and when the garlic releases the aroma add the peeled tomatoes
- Saute until the mixture is even
- When two hours have passed, preheat the oven to maximum temperature
- When the oven is preheated, roll out the dough thinly into a very thin baking sheet
- Put tomato sauce and all the ingredients on the dough, sprinkle with a little olive oil and place in the oven
- Bake for a maximum of 12-15 minutes (depending on the strength of the oven temperature) or until baked (the shorter the better)
It is important that the Pizza is not baked for too long and that the oven is not opened too often. Only then will the dough not be dry and will be finely crispy and soft as butter