Rosa Cooking

Pistachio Joconde

This recipe is a real discovery for me… First I saw the photos on the net, and then I tried for days and days to find the recipe… each of my attempts was unsuccessful and I started to make it according to the picture… The taste for me is fantastic, pistachios and raspberries dominate, and the unknown cream complements the taste…

Preparation steps

  • KORE:
  • Whisk the egg whites into a firm stock, then gradually add the sugar until the mixture becomes shiny.
  • Mix ground and chopped pistachios with flour and add to the egg whites, then mix everything by hand.
  • Distribute the mixture in an electric stove and bake at 200 C for 20-30 minutes.
  • Cool the baked crust and cut it in half to get two crusts.
  • Defrost the raspberries and mix them in the puree.
  • Add sugar to them and let them boil.
  • Cook for about 10 minutes. until the liquid begins to evaporate.
  • Add gelatin and cook until thickened (approx. 5 min.)
  • Place the baking trays in the baking tray with baking paper and pour the raspberry mixture.
  • When the mixture becomes fluffy, cut it in half as well as the crust, to get two parts.
  • Separate one cup from a liter of milk and melt the pudding in it.
  • Leave the rest of the milk to boil.
  • Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar.
  • Add pudding and scrambled eggs to the boiled milk and mix until it gets the required density.
  • When the cream has cooled add the softened margarine to it.
  • Divide the cream into 4 equal parts.
  • in a series of cubes a whole cube


The cake is very rich in flavors, and at the same time a simple refreshing cake. You can find the original recipe here


bark cake chic dice eggs fruit luxurious pistachio pistachios raspberries required see soon torticka tried

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