Rosa Cooking

Pie with blue tomato (eggplant)

My son's favorite pie

Preparation steps

  • Peel a squash, grate it and cut it into quarters. I leave it in the fridge like this and prepare this pie all year round. Allow to cool slightly and mix in a blender. If desired, you can also chop finely.
  • Filling: Finely chop the onion and fry for 4 tbsp. oil, add the blue and all the spices and fry for a few minutes.
  • Topping I: While waiting for the mixture to cool, make a topping of 50ml of oil, 100ml. water and 1k.k. pr for pastries.
  • Stacking the pie: Coat the first crust with the filling, then crumple the two crusts next to each other and pour over the topping I. Repeat the process until the end, covering the pie with one crust at the end.
  • Cut the pie into pieces and pour the milk and the rest of the oil over it. Wait 15 minutes. to make the pie absorb the prelim and bake it. I preheat the oven to 220 and then when I put the pie in the oven, I reduce it to 200 degrees.


If you take out the second topping and pour the pie with 50ml of water and 50ml of oil, the pie is ideal for fasting days.


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