Rosa Cooking

Persun for the winter in the freezer

I hated chopping parsley, and putting it in a bag and then in the freezer, as before, to have it during the winter. And so, because of my laziness, this way of preparing persuna came to me.

Preparation steps

  • Wash the parsley, and place on a kitchen towel to pick up water. Then cut it into shorter pieces, so that it can fit in the blender under the lid.
  • Depending on how many parsley you have, add water, better and more water to grind easier and be as small as possible. Grind until all is ground, if necessary add a little more water.
  • Fill ice molds with the ground mass with a spoon, depending on the size of the cubes on the mold, determine the size of the parsley cubes that you will get after freezing. My molds are just too small so 1 teaspoon is enough for 1 cube on the mold.
  • Put the filled molds in a fryer or freezer, it is enough to spend the night, that is, just to freeze nicely, then shake the parsley cubes out of the mold, put them in a bag and of course in the freezer again.


When you need a parsley to make food, just take a cube or more if you need it, put it in the dish, while you are still preparing it the parsley will melt, and that’s it.