Rosa Cooking

Pcenkarna topenica

Another old Macedonian dish

Preparation steps

  • In a deep bowl, put two types of flour, salt, oil and hot water and mix to get a uniform mixture without lumps. Then pour it all into a greased pan and bake at 200 degrees.
  • After about ten minutes, open the oven and remove the pan. The dough should be baked. Take a wooden spoon and make holes in the dough with the handle. Then return to the oven to bake.
  • After a while, take out the pan again and again break the dough into pieces. Then return it to the oven to bake.
  • Once again, take out the pan and with a fork, finely chop the pieces of dough into small small lumps. Return to the oven for a few more minutes and remove.
  • Finally, put it in plates and add those fried cracklings on top. It can also be served with cheese and sour milk.