Rosa Cooking

Patent for Easter eggs

Easter is coming, you need to prepare for coloring Easter eggs. Most people have trouble blowing out the contents of the eggs, so I decided to share my “patent” with you.

Preparation steps

  • Eggs
  • The best ones are home-made from goose or duck, and in the absence of home-made ones, the purchase will also serve. Eggs from domestic "laying hens" (ducks, geese) have a thicker shell and are lighter, so the color that is applied is more pronounced. It is desirable to "degrease" the eggs with alcohol in order for the color to be better received.
  • Blowing out eggs
  • First wash the eggs in water, degrease with alcohol. We drill eggs on both sides (a smaller hole on the top, a little bigger on the bottom). We blow air through the upper, smaller hole with the help of a patent and expel the contents of the eggs to the other side. They should be blown out lightly (otherwise there is a danger that the shell will crack, so they are better homemade)!
  • * Egg fixer can be purchased at better stocked stationery stores or malls. Used to hold eggs during coloring. *


The inside of the blown egg can be rinsed, and the egg white and yolk used.


decorations easter idea

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