Rosa Cooking

Pasta with wild onion pesto

Let's use the fruits of Mother Nature when they are already in front of our noses :)

Preparation steps

  • Wash the wild onions and cut them into thin noodles (as small as possible). Cut the garlic into strips. Lightly toast the pine nuts in a Teflon pan.
  • Place a little olive oil on a heated Teflon pan and add the garlic leaves. When it takes on a little color, add wild onions and sauté until all is done. Turn off the heat and add sliced ​​parsley, if everything seems too coarsely chopped, you can additionally chop it with a stick mixer. Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil (or quantitatively as desired), salt and stir.
  • In a mortar, grind the pepper, grate the nutmeg and add to the pesto.
  • Wash the mini tomatoes, halve them and fry them briefly on a grill or Teflon pan until they absorb the color.
  • In salted water, cook the pasta as desired (I liked the buckwheat noodles perfectly until I was encouraged and made some homemade pasta), drain and pour over the pesto, pine nuts, tomatoes and parmesan, and mix everything well and serve warm. Good apetite!
  • Here is a raw variant by tajana76, I believe that onions are even more pronounced in that variant, so if you like, be sure to try it :)


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