Rosa Cooking

Orchid cake decoration

Instructions for making paiplionanthe orchids.

Preparation steps

  • For the base, knead a little white, pink and yellow gummy and thus coat the cellblocks ball. Insert the curly willow Skeleton leaves attached to the floral wire. This time I used shopping because I didn't have any suitable leaves on hand, if you have some leaves with good veins, you can make skeleton leaves according to this recipe. By the way, I saw the skeleton leaves for the first time on cake decorations by Alan Dunn and I was delighted.
  • For the orchid, first make a small roller, attach it to the wire (white # 28), then bend and shape into the desired shape. Apply yellow and pink at the top, yellow-green at the bottom. Allow to dry well. For the orchid lip I used a cutter / veiner, it is hard to do without anything, if nothing else you need a stencil for cutting shapes. Bend into shape and fasten it on a roller, leave it to dry on crumpled aluminum foil, when it has dried, paint it with powder paint. Make the petals on a wire, paint them pink and pink with powder and leave them to dry in the desired position. Dried parts can be seen here. Then connect with the rest of the orchid by wrapping the petal wires (for petals use a very thin wire) around the central wire. Wrap everything at the end with floral tape. Make the buds directly on the wire, shade with powder paint. Attach a flower and several orchid buds in the middle to one central wire, for flowers on the side without buds. Stick the flowers into the prepared cellblocks ball, like this
  • If you make an orchid without a wire. connect the petals in the center and put everything in a bowl of crumpled aluminum foil, glue lip & column orchids in the center and cover the center with crumpled aluminum foil, leave everything to dry well and then shade with powder paint. It looks like this


Earlier I described making various other orchids, moth, cymbidium and slipper


alek decorations

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