Rosa Cooking

Onion ♥ onion ♥ Marmalade ♥ Tea ♥ Healing

-to the tears good, excellent ♥ with garlic kapla is known as the healthiest spice, it is used in the preparation of savory dishes and in sweet and the more we consume it, they say we will be healthier. Present in countless dishes around the world. We have it under several names and several species, we say onion and it means yellow, red onion, onion or more precisely onions. ..Latin Allium cleavage ... ♥ Red onion is best eaten raw because it preserves all its useful ingredients which show numerous studies of nutritionists who say that it is best to eat it raw because it is the best preserved all its useful ingredients. One ancient inscription carved in cuneiform reads roughly: He who eats red onions in autumn will not have a stomach ache in winter. It has been clinically confirmed that red onion strengthens a weak heart and restores strength to an exhausted organism. We use it as a spice, vegetable and medicinal plant. This is why in older books we will often read that in a house wher

Preparation steps

  • ♥ BEVERAGE DRINK: Preparation of red onion tea or ti onion. The recipe has several variants, and the simplest way is to do this: cut 1 medium-sized onion into 4 parts and pour 3 cups of water over it. If the onion is not sprayed, we only remove the top shell and cut it together with the rind, so the tea is even more effective. Of course, if the onion is sprayed, be sure to remove all the dry (outer) shells. Then cook over low heat and when it starts to boil, monitor the amount of water. When half of the liquid evaporates, remove from the heat, strain and drink warm. The taste is sweet and pleasant, but it can also be further sweetened with honey. If the taste does not suit you at all, add a sage leaf, half a bay leaf or about 10 heads of thyme during cooking. Personally, I prefer the version without additives, without honey and additional herbs. The onion drink works great for coughs, with it every cold quickly becomes a thing of the past, and it also helps with fever. As onions are a non-hazardous food item, you do not have to worry about drinking too much and you are free to use it for preventive purposes. This tea should be boiled fresh each time, and boiled onions can be used later in cooking. And no, you won’t stink of onions for a mile, the smell somehow disappears. Be brave and give it a try.
  • Although we often call it red onion - onion its outer leaves are a variety of colors. but all species are very medicinal. Young onions, red, yellow, silver chives, buttercups, there are many types and names for onions, and the differences between them are in their shapes, colors, bitterness, strength of smell. The very application of these onions (onion = onion, read the same for me) changes the type of food we prepare. The specific smell of onions gives the essential oil, which is rich in volatile sulfur compounds ... which are trapped in onion cells. RED ONIONS (onions) the head which we call * Italian * and in comparison with our home-made yellow onion has a slightly milder aroma and a fuller sweet taste. That is why red onion is better and more suitable for fresh consumption. The most significant feature is in its purple-red better which gives dishes and salads a beautiful and attractive look .. (I use red onion shells to paint Easter eggs because it gives a beautiful color) Red onion has long been forbidden to eat because it is considered a sacred plant in many ends of the world. There is evidence that red onions were grown in Mesopotamia and Egypt as far back as 6000 years ago. It was revered by the Egyptians because it was used in sacrificial rites to the gods, and they often took an oath before the bow and this act was valid as the strongest and highest oath. It was used daily by the builders of the Egyptian pyramids to whom it served as a great source of power. This is probably the reason why this plant is a common motif on the walls of Egyptian tombs. Various inscriptions on all the old letters, from cuneiform to papyrus, point to the high value of the bow. Planting onions in Europe began after the Romans brought the bulb across the Alps. Red onion extracts are rich in phenolic components and have anticancer effects. Phenols and polyphenols from different plants are otherwise considered groups of compounds with antimicrobial activity. A particularly interesting source of phenolic components is considered to be the skin (shell) of onions, which is otherwise a waste in onion processing. Red onion belongs to the genus Allium, hence its Latin name Allium cepa. The genus allium comprises 600 to 700 species, the largest number of which are wild plants of no economic significance. Interestingly, representatives of the genus Allium occur only in the northern hemisphere, and in the south found a single species in South Africa, whose identity is still disputed and the subject of research Red onion is considered the richest source of flavonoids in the human diet. It has an antioxidant effect, which depends on the content of phenolic components and the content of flavonoids, and decreases from the outer shell to the inner. Of the flavonoids, quercetin is important, which has been intensively studied because it has been shown to inactivate some substances that stimulate tumor growth. Red onions were found to contain the highest percentage of quercetin in one study that included 28 types of vegetables and nine types of fruits. Quercetin also interferes with the growth of estrogen-sensitive cells, which are found in breast cancer. Studies have shown that quercetin in combination with vitamin C can also have antiviral effects. Flavonoids make up a group of about 5,000 compounds. Until 1968, they were considered worthless, but despite that, research continued. Thus, some flavonoids, such as quercetin, have been found to be useful because they have, for example, antiviral activity against herpes and influenza viruses. In addition, increased consumption of flavonoids is associated with reduced incidence and reduced mortality from all types of cancer. Their anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant effects have also been proven. Red onion also contains valuable vitamins, most of which are C and B, as well as essential oils. Due to the content of vitamin C, red onion acts as a powerful antioxidant, plays an important role in the synthesis of polysaccharides and collagen, cartilage, dental dentin, bones and teeth, and in maintaining the normal state of blood capillaries. Many throw away the green leaves of the red onion, thinking they are worthless, and eat only its white part, but that is not good. In 10 decagrams of garlic part of young red onion has an average of about 8.5 milligrams of vitamin C, and in green leaves more than 38 milligrams of vitamin C. Bioactive components of red onion showed antibacterial and antifungal (antifungal) action. Red onion oil extracts inhibit the action of two types of bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enteritidis and the action of three types of molds: Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus as well as Penicillium cyclopium. Red onions contain more than a hundred sulfur compounds, many of which are extremely unusual and complex structures. One Chinese study found that people who ate the most onions were the least likely to develop stomach cancer. It improves appetite, and for people suffering from constipation (constipation) red onion helps regulate bowel function and stool regularity. It is not recommended for people with a sensitive stomach, and it is best to eat it raw because it is the best way to preserve all its useful ingredients. One ancient inscription carved in cuneiform reads roughly: Whoever eats red onions in the fall will not have a stomach ache in the winter. It has been clinically confirmed that red onion strengthens a weak heart and restores strength to an exhausted organism. Red onions seem to have a positive effect on cholesterol. Research has shown that people who eat one head of red onion a day can increase HDL cholesterol. It can also help lower blood pressure, prevent blood clots, heal bruises and heal wounds. Red onion contains a plant hormone similar to insulin, so it is recommended for diabetics because it reduces the increased amount of sugar in the blood. It is also believed to have the ability to elevate impaired sexual power. It helps prevent inflammatory reactions that lead to allergies and asthma, and is recommended for people suffering from sore throats and bronchitis. Red onion stimulates kidney function and serves in the metabolism of the human body. An excellent jediuretic, since it removes fluid from the body very effectively, it is recommended for patients with rheumatism, gout, arthritis, with reduced kidney function and difficulty urinating. It is an excellent remedy for inflammation of the bladder and inflammation of the prostate. The use of red onion for hair care is also known, and it can also be used for face and nail care (brittle fingernails should be rubbed as often as possible with fresh red onion juice to strengthen it) and as a supplement to a weight loss diet. Despite its undeniable medicinal properties, red onion is still not recognized as a medicinal plant. Nevertheless, experience has shown that its daily use as a food or spice has a healing effect, which is why some like to call it “multi-layered beauty”. Without onions (Allium cepa) staying in the kitchen is almost unthinkable. This bulbous plant covered with red, white or violet colored scales originates from Central Asia. Data suggest that it was bred 6,000 years ago in Mesopotamia and Egypt. It easily adapts to different types of soil, although it thrives best on loose and not too humus soil. In addition to improving the taste of various dishes, onion has confirmed its numerous healing properties over the centuries. The ancient Slavs called it "a cure for seven diseases", and in modern phytotherapy, 15 medicinal properties stand out, which are used for twice as many diseases. It contains about 150 useful ingredients, and its characteristic scent is given by essential oils and organic acids, citric and malic. It also contains a large amount of provitamin A, vitamin C and B vitamins, as well as the minerals potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron. Iodine, phosphorus and sulfur are present in significant amounts, and due to the plant hormone glucokinin, which acts similarly to insulin, it is recommended for diabetics because it lowers sugar. It improves the work of the heart because it increases the flow of blood through the blood vessels, increasing also good (HDL) cholesterol. It also lowers high blood pressure, helps in the regeneration of blood cells, and is used in milder forms of anemia. It acts on the respiratory organs as a secretolytic and expectorant, facilitates breathing because it opens the alveoli. It is therefore known as a folk remedy for colds, either as a syrup or a poultice. Onion improves the smooth muscles of the intestines and uterus, it is also a good diuretic because it reduces swelling, especially when fluid accumulates in the abdomen. The sulfur in it, which makes us cry while chopping it, works against inflammation. It is healthiest to eat raw, because the healing properties of frying and cooking are significantly reduced, so when fresh it is an ideal ingredient in various salads. For blood vessels, sinuses… In atherosclerosis, clogging of blood vessels, onion juice and honey help. These two ingredients are mixed proportionally (as much juice as honey), and the real effect is achieved if you take 3-4 times a day one teaspoon. This "balm" also helps against coughs, just like onions baked in olive oil or cooked in milk. Fresh onion juice is also good for rinsing the inflamed mucous membranes of the oral cavity and nose, as well as for sinus inhalation. Anti-baldness juice Red onion is effective against hair loss, prevents baldness, and at the same time stimulates hair growth. The treatment is completely natural, sulfur is a key ingredient for this problem, and the juice from this food stimulates hair growth by improving circulation in the scalp. In addition, it is also recommended for inflammation, it has a strong effect against bacteria, which are a common cause of baldness. You can chop the red onion in a blender, then squeeze the juice, rub it into the scalp and hair root and leave it on for at least 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. To see the results it is necessary to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week for a month. You can also add honey to the onion juice, stir and rub into the scalp. Hold for at least 30 minutes, then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  • YOUNG ONION ♥ usually comes to our tables raw, in its original form .. so young raw It is a hell of an onion in the spring that is planted in late autumn and in the spring reaches the size we know with ham and bread on the occasion of Easter .. they call it and salad onions .. It is especially used a lot in French and German cuisine. HOOD ♥ The bulbs of this onion have a yellow-brown shell and are very similar to buttercups, only they have round heads, freshly picked they have a mild taste similar to young onions and when dried and standing they get a more pronounced aroma. These pearl onions are ideal to fry whole in butter or oil and serve with chicken roasted in wine or beefsteak. SILVER ♥ Silver onion has a round head, it is white. It is juicy, fleshy ... as the name suggests, the silver onion is an onion about which very little is known. This onion belongs to the red onion family. Due to its beautiful white color, it goes great in white sauces. If you haven't tried this type of onion yet, be sure to try it, because it has a mild taste. Not very angry, like red onions. And it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C. It protects the body from colds, viruses, infections, strengthens immunity. Silver onion is best used fresh. Because during cooking, it loses vitamins. You can use it in salads, in making spreads, pate. Indulge your imagination at will, and enjoy a variety of vegetable colors along with silver onions. BUTTERFLY koz Kozjak onion, goat onion as it is also called has a higher nutritional value of other varieties. It has more antioxidants, minerals and vitamins than regular onions. Buttercup is rich in vitamin A, which serves as a powerful antioxidant in protecting the body from lung cancer, throat and mouth cancer. In addition to vitamin A, kozjak onion has a high concentration of minerals and electrolytes such as iron, calcium, copper, potassium and phosphorus. HOMEMADE YELLOW ONION ♥ Similar to leeks, this onion is also responsible for vascularity and is also crucial in cancer prevention. Red onion extract, rich in numerous sulfides, prevents the growth and development of tumor cells. According to many, both yellow and red onions are an excellent natural antibacterial agent. By consuming foods rich in this onion, it is possible to contribute to the body by strengthening the immunity, which means that you will pass this season without colds and flu, and it is even more effective in preventing bacterial diseases. A 2009 study found that people who consume onions on a daily basis have stronger bones. Elderly people who eat red onions have a 20 percent lower risk of hip fractures. The reason, scientists say, is quercetin and other antioxidants in onions. HAIR ♥ Thanks to the ideal combination of iron and vitamin C in it, chives provide vitality to the body and are excellent against fatigue. LEEK ♥ contains significant amounts of the bioflavonoid kaempferol which has been shown to be an excellent protection against damage to blood vessels, including that by reactive oxygen. Although often neglected, the concentration of folic acid in leeks plays an important role in maintaining health. Folic acid is a key B-complex vitamin that supports the cardiovascular system by balancing homocysteine ​​levels in the body. An impressive amount of antioxidant polyphenols is also present in leeks. Polyphenols protect blood vessels and cells from harmful oxidation.
  • SELECTION, STORAGE, PREPARATION ♥ when buying onions, only hard heads should be chosen, a soft head means that the rotting process has already begun. we also avoid heads with green shoots. A smaller amount can be stored for daily use m for a maximum of two weeks in a cool and airy place such as a pantry (pantry, pantry) in wooden or lattice plastic boxes. take on a scent (milk, butter cream). cutting the heads depends on the dish we are preparing, the fastest way to get noodle rings or cubes is to peel the head, cut it in half and cut off the top. , then we cut it into strips, only at the end we cut off the lower, root part, which actually holds the whole half of our head together. If we need a larger amount at once ... (shallots or capsules) we make our job easier by blanching the onion heads for ten seconds in hot water. After that I needed to rinse with cold water, cut off their root and simply peel with my fingers. Before storing it, set aside the thickest, healthiest and most ripe cherries for planting. If you have left stems on the bulbs, weave the onion and garlic into single-row or double-row wreaths and hang them on the beams in the storage room. Store the bulbs with which you have removed the stems in shallow baskets, bags or crates in a thin layer, not thicker than 30 cm. If you place onions and garlic on the shelves, air flows around it, so it is better preserved. For storage, inspect and sort the bulbs regularly, especially if there are many. The best temperature for storing bulbous vegetables is -1 to + 2 degrees C. Garlic and onions will not die in winter if the room temperature is not lower than minus 3 degrees C. Even if they freeze, do not touch them, but leave them to thaw gradually. and completely renew its quality. We all know well the Dalmatian residue, a wreath woven from the heads of garlic cloves that is sold in our markets. And my grandmothers knitted in the same way after the harvest in the fall, just like it is traditionally done. not only in Dalmatia but also in Istria Slavonia When the time comes to harvest, the heads are taken out together with the stem. After drying the stem, I wrap it in a wet towel and knit it into wreaths of 6, 12 or more heads. In the same way, onions can be preserved, and it is a real pity that this useful procedure has fallen into oblivion over time. In addition, wreaths with onions and garlic are kept in a different way, always hung and always exposed to air currents. Here are tips on how to use onion-onion as a remedy
  • Ljekovita svojstva i primjena♥ Koristimo lukovicu a u prehrani i mlade listove. . Lječi i pomaže kod svih želučanih tegoba, regulira izlćivanje žući , potiće izlučivanje mokrače , liječi giht, reumu, vodenu bolest, čir na dvanaestercu, , nedostatak želučane kiseline rak pluća i crijeva, slabokrvnost naročito kod mladih djevojaka, ženske bolesti, slabe živce , hladne ruke i noge, ozebline i smrzotine , djeluje protiv povišene temperature kod upale pluća, , gripe i bronhitisa ; kapula poboljšava tek i pamćenje , jača kosu , sprečava gripu , kašalj, hunjavicu i upalu grla a njime lječimo i sklonost pušenju. OBLOZI ♥ Krupno se isječe kapula i dobro zagrije; stavi se u laganu krpu (gazu) i položi na bolno mjesto, a preko njega čvsrstu krpu te se dobro zavije.. Ovi oblozi su dobri za sve navedene bolesti pod točkom br 6 Obloge treba mijenjati svaka 2 h jer u međuvremenu luk pocrni, od otrova koje povuče iz tijela, Isti se oblozi stavljaju na potiljak kod upale mozga i upale sinusa djeluju čudotvorno. SIRUP ♥ Kilogram isjeckanog luka , pola kilograma meda ili smeđeg šećera a po potrebi doda se i malo vode. kuha se lagano, dok se ne zgusne . Izlije se u boce i dobro zatvori te može trajati duže vrijeme. Kod prehlade uzima se svaki sat po jedna velika žlica , a ovaj sirup sprečava i izbijanje bolesti, ukusan je te ga rado uzimaju i djeca. Ljekoviti recepti od luka: 1. Ubodi kukaca Sokom od crvenog luka liječe se ubodi kukaca kao što su ose i pčele. Mjesto uboda maže se svježim sokom od crvenog luka osobito tijekom prvih nekoliko sati nakon uboda. 2. Za zdravlje srca i žila Protiv koronarnih bolesti, tromboze, začepljenih arterija i grušanja krvi preporučuje se svaki dan pojesti cijelu glavicu luka pečenu u pećnici na slabijoj vatri. Glavicu ispečete te je s nekoliko kapi maslinova ulja jedete uz ručak i večeru dulje vrijeme. 3. Zaustavite bol u uhu Nije preporučljivo ništa stavljati u uho. Umjesto toga, narežite pola glavice luka, kratko zagrijte na tavi te stavite u tanku pamučnu čarapu. Malo stisnite da čarapa bude vlažna. Ovaj oblog stavite na uho te učvrstite zavojem ili kapom. Prikladan je i za djecu. 4. Protiv simptoma peludnih alergija Ne bacajte ljuske luka - one su bogate kvercetinom, antioksidansom koji može pomoći smanjiti upalu i spriječiti oslobađanje histamina iz imunosnih stanica te tako ublažiti simptome alergija. Ljuske luka (najbolje ljubičastog) posušite, usitnite i pripremite kao čaj - prelijte vrućom vodom, ostavite 10 minuta i procijedite. Pijte 2-3 šalice na dan. 5. Domaći sirup protiv kašlja Ogulite i sitno narežite 6 glavica luka srednje veličine. Pomiješajte luk s 4 žlice meda i stavite u posudu koja se nalazi iznad zdjele vode koja vrije. Poklopite i lagano kuhajte 2 sata. Procijedite i uzmite 1 veliku žlicu svaka 2 ili 3 sata. Ovaj sirup prikladan je i za djecu. 6. Kura lukom za veću vitalnost Kod opće slabosti organizma možete iskušati kuru lukom. Tijekom 40 dana svakog dana na prazan želudac treba pojesti veću glavicu luka s crnim kruhom. To bi trebalo pomoći kod kašlja, bolova, teške stolice, umora, bljedila i drugih tegoba. 7. Vodena bolest Vodena bolest liječi se tako da se tri puta na dan uzima po jušna žlica čistog soka od luka. Ovaj tretman potrebno je koristiti dulje vrijeme. 8. Otežano mokrenje Zadržavanje tekućine liječi se tako da se u posudi s litrom vode skuha nasjeckana glavica luka sa šakom nasjeckanog peršina i stabljike celera. Sastojci se kuhaju 10-15 minuta. Više puta na dan pije se mala šalica ove tekućine. Tretman traje do prestanka problema s otežanim mokrenjem. 9. Bolovi u maternici Za bolove u maternici potrebno je nasjeckati glavicu luka što sitnije i kuhati ga u pola litre mlijeka 10 minuta. Pola količine ovog mlijeka popije se ujutro a pola navečer. Koristi se dok tegobe s maternicom ne prestanu. 10. Dišni putovi U litru vode staviti pola kilograma sitno isjeckanog luka s jednakom količinom šećera i kuhati 3 sata. Ohladiti, dodati 3 velike žlice meda, sve dobro promiješati i spremiti u staklenke. Žlica ovog napitka dodaje se u pola čaše mlake vode više puta na dan, promiješa se i popije. Uzima se za liječenje krajnika, pluća, kašlja, promuklosti i teškog disanja te problema s prehladom i gripom. 11. Brzi spas od suhoga kašlja Suhi kašalj liječi se tako što se isjeckani prženi luk pomiješa s kozjim mlijekom i medom u jednakim dijelovima i sve dobro izmiješa. Smjesa se uzima svaki sat tijekom dana po jednu žličicu sve dok se kašalj potpuno ne izliječi. 12. Pomoć pri dojenju Jedenje što veće količine sirovog crvenog luka preporučuje se dojiljama radi povećanja kvaliteta i količine mlijeka. 13. Protiv opeklina Glavicu luka i jedan limun oguliti, samljeti i iscijediti sok. Pomiješati s 2 dl jogurta, uliti u tamnu bočicu i čuvati u hladnjaku. Nekoliko puta tijekom dana losion nanijeti na kožu opečenu od sunca i ostaviti da se osuši na koži. Pripravak u hladnjaku traje 2-3 dana. 14. Oblozi za stopala priprema: Za mnoge tegobe i slabost organizma luk se koristio tako da su se dvije velike glavice nasjeckale na tanke kriške koje bi se natrpale u stare čarape koje bi se navukle na noge prije spavanja. Luk ostaje na nogama cijele noći, a ujutro se noge dobro operu. Smatra se da ovaj oblog pomaže kod prehlade, groznice, kašlja i dijabetesa. 15. Za zdravu kosu Za jačanje kose uzmite pola litre rakije i u nju stavite dvije glavice luka sitno narezane na kockice. Luk mora stajati u rakiji dva tjedna, a zatim se procijedi. Dobivenom tinkturom masirajte kožu glave, odnosno korijen kose navečer prije spavanja. 4. Protiv simptoma peludnih alergija Ne bacajte ljuske luka - one su bogate kvercetinom, antioksidansom koji može pomoći smanjiti upalu i spriječiti oslobađanje histamina iz imunosnih stanica te tako ublažiti simptome alergija. Ljuske luka (najbolje ljubičastog) posušite, usitnite i pripremite kao čaj - prelijte vrućom vodom, ostavite 10 minuta i procijedite. Pijte 2-3 šalice na dan. 5. Domaći sirup protiv kašlja Ogulite i sitno narežite 6 glavica luka srednje veličine. Pomiješajte luk s 4 žlice meda i stavite u posudu koja se nalazi iznad zdjele vode koja vrije. Poklopite i lagano kuhajte 2 sata. Procijedite i uzmite 1 veliku žlicu svaka 2 ili 3 sata. Ovaj sirup prikladan je i za djecu. 6. Kura lukom za veću vitalnost Kod opće slabosti organizma možete iskušati kuru lukom. Tijekom 40 dana svakog dana na prazan želudac treba pojesti veću glavicu luka s crnim kruhom. To bi trebalo pomoći kod kašlja, bolova, teške stolice, umora, bljedila i drugih tegoba. 7. Vodena bolest Vodena bolest liječi se tako da se tri puta na dan uzima po jušna žlica čistog soka od luka. Ovaj tretman potrebno je koristiti dulje vrijeme. 8. Otežano mokrenje Zadržavanje tekućine liječi se tako da se u posudi s litrom vode skuha nasjeckana glavica luka sa šakom nasjeckanog peršina i stabljike celera. Sastojci se kuhaju 10-15 minuta. Više puta na dan pije se mala šalica ove tekućine. Tretman traje do prestanka problema s otežanim mokrenjem. 9. Bolovi u maternici Za bolove u maternici potrebno je nasjeckati glavicu luka što sitnije i kuhati ga u pola litre mlijeka 10 minuta. Pola količine ovog mlijeka popije se ujutro a pola navečer. Koristi se dok tegobe s maternicom ne prestanu. 10. Dišni putovi U litru vode staviti pola kilograma sitno isjeckanog luka s jednakom količinom šećera i kuhati 3 sata. Ohladiti, dodati 3 velike žlice meda, sve dobro promiješati i spremiti u staklenke. Žlica ovog napitka dodaje se u pola čaše mlake vode više puta na dan, promiješa se i popije. Uzima se za liječenje krajnika, pluća, kašlja, promuklosti i teškog disanja te problema s prehladom i gripom. 11. Brzi spas od suhoga kašlja Suhi kašalj liječi se tako što se isjeckani prženi luk pomiješa s kozjim mlijekom i medom u jednakim dijelovima i sve dobro izmiješa. Smjesa se uzima svaki sat tijekom dana po jednu žličicu sve dok se kašalj potpuno ne izliječi. 12. Pomoć pri dojenju Jedenje što veće količine sirovog crvenog luka preporučuje se dojiljama radi povećanja kvaliteta i količine mlijeka. 13. Protiv opeklina Glavicu luka i jedan limun oguliti, samljeti i iscijediti sok. Pomiješati s 2 dl jogurta, uliti u tamnu bočicu i čuvati u hladnjaku. Nekoliko puta tijekom dana losion nanijeti na kožu opečenu od sunca i ostaviti da se osuši na koži. Pripravak u hladnjaku traje 2-3 dana. 14. Oblozi za stopala priprema: Za mnoge tegobe i slabost organizma luk se koristio tako da su se dvije velike glavice nasjeckale na tanke kriške koje bi se natrpale u stare čarape koje bi se navukle na noge prije spavanja. Luk ostaje na nogama cijele noći, a ujutro se noge dobro operu. Smatra se da ovaj oblog pomaže kod prehlade, groznice, kašlja i dijabetesa. 15. Za zdravu kosu Za jačanje kose uzmite pola litre rakije i u nju stavite dvije glavice luka sitno narezane na kockice. Luk mora stajati u rakiji dva tjedna, a zatim se procijedi. Dobivenom tinkturom masirajte kožu glave, odnosno korijen kose navečer prije spavanja. 26. Krvarenje iz nosa Nekoliko kapi soka ukapamo u nos, a to zaustavlja krvarenje. 27. Tretman protiv akni Dijelove kože s izraženijim aknama možete tretirati pastom od izgnječenog luka i nakon tog umiti lice pripravkom od mlijeka. 28. Napitak za lakši san Žličicu soka umiješati u mlako mlijeko i popiti prije spavanja. Želite li ugodniji okus, možete mlijeku dodati med. 29. Upala jetre Propasirajte 200 g luka i zatvorite u staklenku sa 7 dl bijelog vina, 100 g meda i 2 žlice lista pelina. Držite najmanje 20 dana na toplome mjestu i mućkajte više puta tijekom dana. Pijte po jednu šalicu pripravka tri puta na dan prije jela. 30. Upala crijeva Kod upale crijeva pomiješaju se sirovi žumanjak, svježi maslac i zdrobljeno sjeme kima s mnogo soka luka te se ta mješavina uzima žlicom. 31. Upala mjehura Kod bolnog zadržavanja mokraće platnena se vrećica napuni svježe narezanim i umjereno ugrijanim lukom te se topla položi na mjehur, a prema potrebi se češće ponavlja. 32. Povišen tlak Prirodni lijek protiv povišenog tlaka je čaj od ljuski luka - ogulite luk i ljuske skuhajte kao što biste skuhali bilo koji drugi biljni čaj. Svakog dana popijte šalicu tako pripremljenog čaja i pratite ima li kakvih poboljšanja. Na isti način možete pripremati i čaj od ljuski češnjaka, koji također djeluje. 33. Proširene vene Uzmite dvije žlice osušenih ljuski luka, prelijte sa 100 ml votke ili jake rakije te ostavite da stoji tjedan dana. Procijedite. Uzimajte 20 kapi 2-3 puta na dan tijekom deset dana. 34. Pripravak za aterosklerozu Pripremite tinkturu poput one opisane u receptu za proširene vene. Uzimajte 20 kapi pomiješanih s 2 žlice maslinova ulja tri puta na dan, pola sata prije jela. Uzimajte dva tjedna, napravite pauzu od 10 dana pa ponovite dvotjedni tretman. 35. Gljivice na noktima Prelijte osam žlica zdrobljenih suhih ljuski luka s pola litre votke. Ostavite da odstoji 10 minuta pa procijedite. Namočite komad pamuka u tinkturu i nanosite na nokte zahvaćene gljivicama 2-3 puta na dan. Druga mogućnost je namakanje stopala ili ruku u toplom čaju od ljuski luka 20-30 minuta. 36. Protiv hemeroida Uzmite 4 žlice ljuski luka i kuhajte u 2 litre mlijeka 10 minuta na laganoj vatri. Ohladite tako da bude toplo, ali ne vruće i procijedite. Močite bolno mjesto u sjedećoj kupki tijekom 10 minuta. 37. Liječenje cistitisa Uzmite 3 žličice zgnječenih suhih ljuski luka, prelijte s 2 šalice vrele vode i ostavite da odstoji pola sata. Kod akutnog cistitisa pijte po 1 šalicu 2 puta na dan tijekom 5 dana. Kod kroničnog cistitisa 3-4 šalice tijekom 10 dana. 38. Izostanak mjesečnice Od dvije do tri žličice suhih ljuski luka kuhajte u litri vode 15 minuta na laganoj vatri. Pustite da se ohladi pa potom procijedite. Pijte 1 šalicu dva puta na dan (ujutro i navečer) 30-40 minuta prije obroka. 39. Spas kod seboreje Pripremite čaj od ljuski luka (natapajte ih u vrućoj vodi 5-10 minuta), dobivenu smjesu ohladite i koristite za pranje kose. To će također ukloniti prhut i ojačati kosu. 40. Čaj od luka Luk je najbolje jesti u svježem stanju, a pri tome vrijedi pravilo da je dobro birati što ljući luk jer on ima najviše ljekovitih sastojaka. Međutim, ima situacija kad je bolje izbjeći miris luka pa u tim slučajevima možemo posegnuti za čajem od luka koji nema karakterističan miris. Budući da nama nikakvih štetnih djelovanja, ovaj čaj moguće je piti svakodnevno, u većim količinama, a prikladan je za trudnice i malu djecu. Glavicu luka srednje veličine razrežite na 4 dijela i prelijte s 3 šalice vode. Ako luk nije šprican, izrežite ga zajedno s ljuskom kako bi bio što djelotvorniji. Potom zakuhajte na laganoj vatri, kuhajte dok pola količine tekućine ne ispari, procijedite i pijte toplo. Okus ovako pripremljenog čaja slatkast je i ugodan, a prema želji se može dodatno zasladiti medom. Ako vam okus čaja ne odgovara, možete ga popraviti drugim ljekovitim biljem - tijekom kuhanja ubacite listić kadulje te nekoliko žličica kamilice i majčine dušice. Raskuhani luk možete kasnije upotrijebiti kod pripreme jela, npr. dodati jelima od krumpira ili varivima. Ovaj čaj prvenstveno je učinkovit protiv kašlja. Također ga možete koristiti i za liječenje grlobolje, prehlade i gripe. Kod ovih bolesti čaj je dovoljno piti 2-3 dana, kad bi trebalo doći do poboljšanja. Prema preporuci austrijskog autora Rudolfa Breussa, čaj od luka koristi se za liječenje srčane i bronhijalne astme. Kod težih slučajeva astme i bronhitisa za potpuno izlječenje čaj treba piti 2-3 tjedna, a to je moguće i češće kako biste potpuno očistili bronhije i pluća. Za astmatičare uz ovaj se čaj preporučuje jedenje naribane crne rotkve uz dodatak malo šećera. Ovaj čaj dobar je i za čišćenje organizma te cjelokupno zdravlje. Ovo sam u točki 6 copi paste iz 24sata nek je sve mi na jednom mjestu
  • More about garlic here as well as about the healing properties


A good tip for those for whom narrowing their eyes when cutting red onions is an obstacle to using it at all is to put the knife with which we cut the onion under a stream of cold water each time. The tear-causing ingredient in red onion is propantial S-oxide, which reacts with water in our tear fluid. If it is fried in hot fat or oil, its burning should be avoided, so that it does not become bitter. The sweetest variant of red onion is grown in Macedonia and Spain.