This is an ancient recipe, so it is complex and very tasty!
Preparation steps
- Mix the ingredients for the dough nicely so that you get a mixture that has the consistency of thick pancakes. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. When the oven is well heated, turn the heater on the grill (in our oven the grill heats the entire upper surface part). The grill in the oven is at the highest level.
- The pan (40) should be lubricated with oil and sprinkled with flour. When everything is ready, pour two cubes of the mixture into the pan and put it to bake. When the crust is nicely fried, it should be coated with oil. until the whole mixture is used up. Care should be taken that the crusts are nicely baked, that they are not alive, that they are nicely coated between the crusts. + If you do not have a grill, or it is weak, you can prepare it in the following way: Preheat the oven to 250. Coat the casserole with margarine. Pour one crust and bake until it turns brown. Then coat with oil, pour the next crust, and so 4 crusts. remove the crust and remove the sides and cover. Then coat the pan again and bake the next 4 crusts. So until the mass is used up.
- When everything is baked, it should be left to cool down a bit. When it cools down, it should be moved to the part where the crust should be layered and nicely rolled out by hand, but not very finely. When everything is finished, we move on to preparing the topping.
- Melt the butter to simmer nicely. Then add the sour cream. Stir nicely and leave it to simmer for a few more minutes. Add salt as desired. Pour over the hot sauce over the Obarus. Pleasant!